Children with Disabilities celebrate the Opening of the New Park in New Cross Roads | Western Cape Government


Children with Disabilities celebrate the Opening of the New Park in New Cross Roads

30 June 2009
The excitement was almost tangible when the City of Cape Town's Parks Department officially opened the Sakhela Park in New Cross Roads on Friday, 19 June 2009. The facility was designed by City Parks to provide special play equipment for children with physical disabilities.

Councillor Gerhard Ras, Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services, who officiated at the event, said: "This park has special play equipment consisting of a unique two-seater swing, a two-seater see-saw and a four-seater roundabout.

I have no doubt in my mind that not only children with disabilities, but all children are going to experience lots of fun in this park".

Cllr Ras further added: "Other interesting features, such as an indigenous and water-wise focal garden, benches under newly- planted shade trees for parents to sit and observe their children playing and a wall mural, all add character to the park. It is fenced to define it as a unique park designed for children with physical disabilities".

An unemployed youth residing opposite the park, has been employed to ensure that the park is clean and well kept. He will also ensure that children from the community have a safe place to play.

A similar park will be opened in Mitchells Plain in the near future.


Issued by: Lisle Brown, media officer, City of Cape Town

Tel: 021 400 3065

Media Enquiries: 
Councillor Gerhard Ras, mayor committe member, community services

Tel: 021 400 1298