Helderberg Gets New kerbside Parking Operator | Western Cape Government


Helderberg Gets New kerbside Parking Operator

4 August 2009
ACE Parking Services has been awarded the City of Cape Town's tender to manage parking in the Helderberg.

Its brief will be to prevent the problems that motorists often encounter when parking in the centre of town - a shortage of parking bays, motorists being harassed by informal parking attendants and a lack of secure parking facilities.

ACE Parking Services has employed fully trained parking marshals who will manage kerbside parking in the areas where the now discontinued 'pay & display' parking meters were previously used.

Upon parking, the motorist will be approached by a marshal and informed of the parking tariff. The marshal, when told how long the motorist wishes to park, will calculate the cost, issue a receipt and provide change if necessary. The receipt must be displayed on the dashboard of the parked car. This measure will also assist law enforcement officers during the course of their enforcement duties relating to parking non-payment and overstay violations.

Marshalls will soon be issued with portable parking meters as a pilot project which, if successful, will become a standard procedure.

The 20092010 Helderberg parking tariffs:

Rate per 60 mins Rate per 30 mins 
Gordon's Bay   
R4.50  R2.25 
Somerset West   
R4.50  R2.25 
Strand (1 May - 30 Nov)   
R4.50  R2.25 
Strand Beach rd (1 Dec - 30 Apr)   
R6.30  R3.15 

ACE Parking Services parking marshals can be identified by their identification tags, black uniforms and caps.

Please direct any enquiries/complaints concerning parking to the City's 247 call centre on the toll free number 0800 656 463.

Issued by: Communication Department, City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Dave Lowry
Head: Transport Programme Management
Tel: 021 400 4861
Cell: 084 603 3540