Metro Police Arrest Many during Busy Weekend | Western Cape Government


Metro Police Arrest Many during Busy Weekend

30 August 2009
The Metro Police conducted various operations at the weekend and arrested 44 people for various offences. They ranged from driving under the influence to contravention of the City's Public Nuisance By-law. Seventeen "Amaphela taxis" were impounded and 89 traffic fines issue

Last Friday morning, at a roadblock in Lansdowne Road in Nyanga, the Metro officers focused on illegal sedan taxis. The operation started at 06:00 and the 17 illegal sedan taxis, "Amaphelas", were taken to the Ndabeni depot where the owners will have to pay R5000 for the release of the vehicles. The drivers were arrested for operating illegally.

On Friday evening, the focus shifted to Khayelitsha where 14 motorists were arrested at a roadblock in Walter Sisulu Road for drunken driving. On the same evening, joint operations between the Metro Police and the South African Police Services resulted in six motorists being arrested for drunken driving in three separate operations in Claremont and Woodstock.

In Robinvale, Atlantis, seven people were arrested on Friday evening. Three were arrested for possession of illegal substances while four were arrested for contravening the Public Nuisance By-law. Mandrax tablets and dagga were also confiscated.

"We will continue to act against those who are breaking the law, irrespective of whether it is drunk driving or making a nuisance in public. Our members will be conducting regular operations and we are serious in our endeavours towards combating the scourge of lawlessness in our communities" , said Deputy Chief Yolanda Faro.

Media Enquiries: 

Yolanda Faro
Deputy Chief:
Metro Police
Tel: 021 400 1424
Cell: 084 332 8190

Media Liaison Officer:
Nowellen Petersen
Metro Police
Tel: 021 400 1752
Cell: 074 619 6449