Security Guards Assist Cable Thieves | Western Cape Government


Security Guards Assist Cable Thieves

14 September 2009
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who guards the guards? The Latin phrase attributed to the Roman poet, Juvenal, certainly came to mind at the weekend when the City of Cape Town's Metal Theft Unit, colloquilally known as the Copperheads, arrested a man and a woman as they were digging up electricity cable inside a Somerset West security complex. Two accomplices who escaped were later identified by the arrested couple as security guards at the complex.

The arrested couple were equipped with shovels, garden forks, trowels and knives for removing the insulation from the 23 metres of cable they had stolen.

The SAPS dog unit was called in, but were unable to find the men who had escaped.

The arrested couple took the Copperheads to a house in Chris Nissen Park where they arrested a man who had 25 kg of "skinned" copper cable in his backpack. The two security guards that ran off still have not reported for duty. The Somerset West SAPS are following up on their known place of residence and hope to make an arrest soon.

The three suspects appeared in the Somerset West Magistrates Court on Monday, 14 September and the City opposed the granting of bail.

Assistant Chief Neil Arendse, who leads the Copperheads, said more arrests were imminent.

"I call on the public to please phone our toll free tip-off line 0800 225 669 if they suspect that cable is being stolen or have any information on the perpetrators," he said.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Rudolf Wiltshire
Specialised Law Enforcement Services
Cell: 084 599 8884

Neil Arendse
Media Liaison Officer
Specialised Law Enforcement Services
Cell: 078 472 5903