City Establishes a Climate Change Think - Tank | Western Cape Government


City Establishes a Climate Change Think - Tank

21 September 2009
Cape Town's newly formed Climate Change Think-Tank has met for the first time today. It consists of renowned academics and specialists who will assess climate change and its effects on Cape Town.

The City of Cape Town says it aims to be a leading local authority in its response to climate change. The Council has already adopted an Energy and Climate Change Strategy and has established an Energy Committee. But it is the newly formed Climate Change Think-Tank that will lead the proactive response to climate change.

Alderman Brian Watkyns, Chairperson of the Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee, says climate change presents potentially formidable challenges for Cape Town, with particular risk to the economy, service delivery, resource sustainability and its most vulnerable communities.

The Think-Tank was established by the City with funding from the Royal Danish Embassy, in partnership with UCT's African Centre for Cities and Sustainable Energy Africa. It represents over 30 top academics and specialists from a number of Cape Town institutions.

Gregg Oelofse, the City's Head of Environmental Policy and Strategy, says it is an innovative approach that brings together the key thinkers within Cape Town society to address the significant challenges the City will face in the future. The Think-Tank will meet quarterly for the next two years. Regular updates from the group will be made available to the public.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Alderman Brian Watkyns
Chairman: PEPCO (Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee)
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 531 7601
Cell: 083 444 4807

Gregg Oelofse
Head of Environmental Policy and Strategy
Cell: 083 940 8143

Sarah Ward
Head of Energy and Climate Change
Cell: 084 606 7177