City's Parow North Swimming Pool Closed for Upgrading | Western Cape Government


City's Parow North Swimming Pool Closed for Upgrading

27 September 2009
The City of Cape Town's Parow North swimming pool, which was built in 1948, is to remain closed until June next year for a major refurbishing programme costing R1.75 million.

Alexander Dykes, Sport, Recreation and Amenities Department's District Manager for the area, says that after 61 years of use, the maintenance and repair costs could not longer be justified and only an extensive re-design and re-build would now suffice.

In the past few years we have had to constantly replace burst pipes and repair defective pumps. This will ultimately compromise public safety and ad hoc repairs can no longer be justified.

Funding has been sourced which will enable a major upgrade to be completed within the current financial year.

It will include:

  • Redesigning of the main pool and diving platform
  • Reconfiguring the main entrance to the pool and other access points
  • Installing a new plant filtration system and chlorinator room

Unfortunately the pool has to be completely dry for the work to be fully effective and to guarantee long-term durability and this has prevented work starting on the upgrade during winter.

Construction will start in January next year and the contractor is obliged to complete the contract by June.

As alternatives, there are three municipal pools within seven kms from Parow North: Goodwood - Milton Road; Parow Valley - Duncan Street and Ruyterwacht - Jan van Riebeeck Street.

"The City apologises for any inconvenience that might result, but I'm convinced that once the upgraded pool is re-opened for use, those who have used the pool in the past will agree that the wait has been worthwhile," Dykes said.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Alexander Dykes
Tel: 021 918 2015
Cell: 084 888 0596