Murder Suspect Arrested at an Illegal Drag Race | Western Cape Government


Murder Suspect Arrested at an Illegal Drag Race

28 September 2009
The City of Cape Town's Traffic Services special unit, the "Ghost Squad", routinely arrests errant motorists for violations of the National Road Traffic Act, but their vigilance paid dividends at the weekend when they arrested a man wanted for murder.

On Sunday night, during a special operation to curb illegal street racing, the team was busy charging two motorists at the intersection of 35th Street and Modderdam Road, Belhar, when eight men intervened.

When two of the men were placed under arrest, the others started throwing stones and abusing the officers who, undeterred, arrested two more members of the group. Charges were laid against the four men at Bishop Lavis SAPS.

On doing further checks, it was found that one of the suspects was wanted for murder, attempted murder, armed robbery, illegal possession of a firearm and several other offences registered at the Delft SAPS.

"A Traffic Officer generally deals with day to day traffic offences, some more serious than others but, from time to time, we do come across hardened criminals," says Chief Inspector Merle Lourens, media spokesperson for Cape Town Traffic Services.

Forty-eight traffic fines were issued to motorists for failing to wear safety belts, not displaying number plates on their vehicles, defective lights, smooth tyres and 19 for not having valid driving licences. Three mechanically defective vehicles were suspended from being used on a public road.

Speed checking was also done along La Belle Road where 124 cases were recorded, with the highest speed being 117 km/h in a 60 km/h zone; and on the M5 and Kromboom Road, 210 cases were registered with the highest speed recorded being 188 km/h in a 100 km/h zone.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Merle Lourens,
Tel: 021 918 2572
Cell: 072 200 1512

Kevin Jacobs
Tel: 021 980 1257
Cell: 083 264 9661