Public Comment on City's New Outdoor Advertising By-Law | Western Cape Government


Public Comment on City's New Outdoor Advertising By-Law

11 October 2009
In order to give all interested parties another opportunity to provide comment on the City's draft new Outdoor Advertising By-Law, the Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee (PEPCO) is proposing to host a series of public hearings on Thursday, 22 October and Friday, 23 October whereafter PEPCO will discuss the outcome before the by-law goes to Council for approval.

Extensive comments were received on the initial draft by-law in 2006. The final draft Outdoor Advertising By-Law of 2009, a summary presentation and a table of the 'public comments (2006) and response' document, are available on the Environmental Resource Management website and click on 'What's new'.

Interested parties that will be invited to submit their final comments at the two day public hearing session include environmental and heritage organisations, community groups, industry roleplayers, organised business and individuals.

The public hearings will be held at the Cape Town Civic Centre and will be the final opportunity for people to present their comments. Time slots of up to 20 minutes will be allocated. A written copy of comments must also be handed in at the hearings.

Time slots must be booked telephonically between 08:30 and 16:00 weekdays on Tel: 021 400 6563. Booking is essential.

Media Enquiries: 

Clive James
Environmental Resource Management
Tel: 021 400 6519
Cell: 084 628 4149

Debbie Evans
Environmental Resource Management
Tel: 021 400 6531
Cell: 084 222 1220