World Wide Fund for Nature asks Cape Town to support Earth Hour 2010 | Western Cape Government


World Wide Fund for Nature asks Cape Town to support Earth Hour 2010

14 March 2010

This year the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is driving Earth Hour for the second time in South Africa. The Cape Town Partnership and the Central City Improvement District (CCID) are supporting this very important call to action. We have pledged our commitment to switching off and reducing our carbon footprint.

What is Earth Hour
Earth Hour is the world's largest global demonstration in history. Last year, over 4 000 cities in 88 countries took part. This year, Earth Hour takes place at 8.30pm on Saturday 27 March. More than a million South Africans have pledged to switch off their lights for an hour, including buildings in Cape Town. The City of Cape Town has agreed to switch off lights in municipal buildings and on Table Mountain.

The objective
To send a message to local and global leaders that we are serious about tackling climate change and to call for a fair, effective and binding climate deal at the next UN Climate Change Summit in December in Mexico.

What is the WWF
The WWF is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organisations with a global network active in more than 100 countries. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological biodiversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. See

Why should Cape Town switch off and pledge
Energy security is a huge issue in South Africa and we need to apply ourselves seriously to reduce our reliance on coal-fired electricity and to stop producing the harmful emissions that affect all of us. Energy efficiency is a matter of urgency, consciousness and good business.

One hour is enough to send a powerful message, but we need to take it further by all doing our part to reduce our energy consumption.

Earth Hour is the first step. You can continue to be involved by joining the City of Cape Town's Energy Efficiency Forum for property owners and managers of commercial buildings.

For more information please contact:
Sarah Rushmere

Kind regards
Andrew Boraine
Chief Executive, Cape Town Partnership
Earth Hour 2010 Ambassador
Rob Kane
Chairperson, Central City Improvement District

  • The WWF is urging all to support this and to make a pledge to reduce energy consumption. Visit the Earth Hour website to pledge.
  • Please support the call on 27 March by communicating with your tenants and by arranging to switch off your lights between 8.30 and 9.30pm. The Cape Town Central City is a very visible part of the City of Cape Town and needs to show leadership in this regard.
  • Please contact CTP Sustainable Cape Town programme coordinator to advise how you will be supporting Earth Hour in your buildings:
    Alexis Scholtz
    Tel: 021 419 1881

    Alternatively contact:
    Maryke van Wyk
    Tel: 021 888 2856