Municipal Workers' Strike Enters it's Second Day | Western Cape Government


Municipal Workers' Strike Enters it's Second Day

12 April 2010
On the second day of the municipal workers' strike, one thousand one hundred and three (1103) (5, 6%) of the City's total workforce were reported absent without authorisation. This represents a three percent (3%) reduction in staff participating in the strike from yesterday.

In the Utilities Directorate (Water, Electricity and Solid Waste) six hundred and twenty five (625) twelve percent (12%) staff were absent without authorisation. Area cleansing and refuse removal has been affected in certain parts of the city. Areas affected include depots that are serviced by the Goodwood, Bellville, Parow, Wynberg, Muizenberg and Schaapkraal depots. Refuse removal is continuing and residents are asked to leave their bins out on their normal collection days. If the wheelie bin has not been emptied on the normal collection day residents are requested to leave the wheelie bin out for the rest of the week, as the Solid Waste department will be catching up later in the week.

In the Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate two hundred and nine (209) (13, 6%) staff were absent without permission, while in the Community Development Directorate two hundred and seven 207 (5, 7%) staff were absent without permission.

The City's contingency plans will remain in place for as long as the strike continues to ensure minimal disruption of services. The City apologises to its residents for any disruptions caused. While the City respects the right of employees to strike, its first duty is to ensure service delivery to its residents.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Kylie Hatton
Media, City of Cape Town
Cell: 082 874 4605