City Upgrades Water Pipeline in Simon's Town Main Road | Western Cape Government


City Upgrades Water Pipeline in Simon's Town Main Road

14 April 2010
The City of Cape Town's Water and Sanitation Department has commenced with the first phase of upgrading the water main (pipe) in Simon's Town Main Road as part of its pipe replacement programme.

This is the preparatory stage of a further infrastructural upgrade planned for the near future. The objective of the pipe replacement programme is to replace the deteriorating components of the City's water distribution network as determined through international benchmarking methods. The Simon's Town Main Road upgrade will involve the re-laying of two hundred and twenty three (223) metres of the one hundred and fifty milimetres (150mm) drinking water pipeline that is located in the main road and runs parallel to the railway line. The work will be carried out by an appointed contractor who will work in conjunction with a City of Cape Town Water and Sanitation Department crew.

The project began on 12 April 2010 and is expected to be completed in two months. The test holes have already been dug and assessments conducted. No interruption in the water supply is expected other than during connection of the pipeline to the existing infrastructure for testing. Arrangements have been made for the re-routing of water from an alternate supply.

The construction work will have an impact on traffic flow in the vicinity of Main Road. Motorists are requested to exercise caution when approaching the construction area in order to prevent accidents and to ensure the safety of the work crews. Both traffic lanes will be kept open as much as possible to alleviate traffic congestion during this period. The relevant signage, lighting and flag-men have been positioned accordingly.

The City apologises to residents for any inconvenience caused during this period and thanks them for their co-operation during this necessary infrastructure upgrade. Motorists using the Simon's Town Main Road should please exercise patience and make the necessary allowance in their travelling time during construction.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Farouk Robertson
Communication Officer
Water and Sanitation Department
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 487 2318
Cell: 084 307 2001