High Level Courtesy Visit by to the Western Cape | Western Cape Government


High Level Courtesy Visit by to the Western Cape

4 July 2006
A significant Chinese delegation visited the Western Cape on Friday (30 June 2006) to explore closer inter-legislature relations and co-operation. This is the most senior delegation from the Zhejiang province that visited the Western Cape Parliament.

In March 2006 Mr. Shaun Byneveldt, Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, visited the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government in Hangzou city, economic hub of that region. He was part of a delegation visiting China and had discussions with the leaders of this province.

Speaker Byneveldt invited leaders of the Zhejiang Province to visit the Western Cape. A delegation of 11 senior provincial leaders met with Speaker Byneveldt as part of a courtesy visit on 30 June 2006 in Cape Town.

The delegation focussed on other governmental issues during its visit to South Africa (which included a visit to Johannesburg) aimed at co-operation in the fields of agriculture, fishery and marine, food processing and infrastructure. Both provinces have strong agricultural roots.

Speaker Byneveldt said: "China is a growing giant in world economics and development. South Africa is strengthening its relations with this force in line with presidential initiatives, like the South African Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative (AsgiSA) and Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA).

"The people of the Cape and Zhejiang have a shared history since vast volumes of trade between China and Europe in the past passed through the harbours of Cape Town and Hangzhou.

"Increasing tourism potential between the Cape and Zhejiang should get explored, as the number of visitors between the two countries is growing rapidly. We are also learning more of our respective parliamentary roles to serve our people better in order to improve their lives."

Speaker Byneveldt said that in this way both provinces can benefit from closer co-operation.

The Zhejiang delegation was lead by His Excellency Mr. Zhou Guofu, Deputy Party Secretary: Zhejiang Provincial Committee CPC (Senior Advisor of Zhejiang's Government).

Further media enquiries:
Werner Schwella
Media Officer in the Office of the Speaker
Cell: 083 591 6691

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