Western Cape Provincial Parliament Welcomes Traditional Leaders | Western Cape Government


Western Cape Provincial Parliament Welcomes Traditional Leaders

5 July 2006
The South African participatory democracy will be poorer if its traditional leadership is not allowed to play its rightful role, says Western Cape Provincial Parliament Speaker Mr. Shaun Byneveldt.

Byneveldt welcomed the delegates attending a special sitting of the National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) held in Cape Town. It is the sitting of the NHTL hosted in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament.

Special time was given to Byneveldt to address the NHTL leaders who guard over traditional and cultural affairs such as customary law.

Speaker Byneveldt says: "For too long has the doors of this province been closed to our constitutionally recognized institution of traditional leaders. Now we have practically demonstrated that the Western Cape is indeed open to all.

"The Western Cape is a home for all. This legislature has pleasure in welcoming the NHTL for the first time on our premises."

The NHTL has thanked the Provincial Parliament for the use of its facilities for the duration of the sitting.

The NHTL deliberates about its relation with traditional houses in other countries and also makes arrangements for the replacement of the recently retired NHTL chairperson Inkosi Mpiyesintombi Mzimela.

Acting chairperson Khosi Fhumulani Kutama, NHTL deputy chairperson, presides over the discussions.

The sitting will adjourn today until the next special meeting on 13 July 2006 in Pretoria where the new chairperson will be elected.

Further media enquiries:
Werner Schwella
Media Officer in the Office of the Speaker
Cell: 083 591 6691

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