Chinese Government to Learn from Western Cape Provincial Parliament | Western Cape Government


Chinese Government to Learn from Western Cape Provincial Parliament

23 July 2006
A second significant Chinese delegation in less than a month will be visiting the Western Cape on 26 July 2006 to explore closer inter-legislature relations and co-operation.

The high level delegation from the Hebei provincial parliament (The People's Congress of Hebei Province) visits the Cape Town legislature on a study tour to deepen and accelerate financial reform in their province.

The Hebei province consists of the areas surrounding the Chinese capital Beijing and Tianjin in North China.

This province has taken the lead in China to reform the traditional budget management and financial administration.

Mr. Wang Jialin heads the Hebei Provincial Budget Legislation and Supervision delegation of six. He is at the level of a vice minister, the vice chairman of the standing committee responsible for the budget, has six years experience heading the provincial finance department and presided over budgetary reform that sparked a nationwide change.

Western Cape Provincial Speaker Mr. Shaun Byneveldt says: "The delegation wants to deepen and accelerate the said reform, establish adequate financial legislation, look at the division of powers between the legislature and the executive as well as a needed review and supervision system adaptable to the market economy. To this end the delegation wants to study the best practices of the South African financial environment and oversight system."

Speaker Byneveldt added: "China is a growing giant in world economics and development. South Africa is strengthening its relations with this force in line with presidential initiatives."

Speaker Byneveldt says both provinces can benefit from closer co-operation, and the Western Cape can also learn more about transformation from China's 5 000 year history.

The Western Cape Provincial Legislature made history last month when a standing Budget Committee was established to interrogate the budget and report to Parliament.

Speaker Byneveldt says: "The Budget Committee is to review and assess the overall provincial spending quarterly to ensure timely expenditure, limited roll-overs, wastage management, spending in line with policies and public participation in this open process."

A former multi-party Ad Hoc Budget Committee under leadership of deputy speaker Mr. Yousuf Gabru has previously assisted the legislature with its roles of policy revision, oversight and to ensure implementation.

At the beginning of this month a very senior delegation of eleven representatives from the Zhejiang province visited the Western Cape Provincial Parliament by invitation of Speaker Byneveldt.

Further media enquiries:
Werner Schwella
Media Officer in the Office of the Speaker
Cell: 083 591 6691

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