Western Cape Provincial Parliament Dedicated to Public Participation | Western Cape Government


Western Cape Provincial Parliament Dedicated to Public Participation

23 July 2006
A delegation of 27 representatives of the Western Cape will over the next two days deliberate on how to get more people to effectively participate in the work of this Provincial Parliament.

The group under leadership of Western Cape Speaker Shaun Byneveldt will attend a national public participation conference in Boksburg on 25 and 26 July 2005. Delegates from civil society, elected public representatives and parliamentary officials will develop a Public Participation Strategy for South African legislatures.

The conference is organised by the Forum for South African Speakers that represent the national Parliament and nine provinces. The theme is: "Deepening Democracy Through Public Participation".

Speaker Byneveldt says: "The fact that representatives of civil society will take part in this process in line with the constitutional duties, is a clear sign that we are indeed very serious about public participation and to our democratic vision that the people shall govern. We are visibly improving our partnership with civil society. It is particularly fitting in the tenth year after our Constitution."

"Public participation improves the quality of policy and legislation and strengthens accountability and transparency which leads to public trust in government."

The development of the public participation strategy is in line with the initiatives of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament to have a special law to entrench members of the public's right to petition parliament, make inputs and to actively participate in the legislative.

Speaker Byneveldt added: "The Western Cape Provincial Parliament is in the process of appointing staff for a dedicated public participation unit to ensure that citizens take part and own their Parliament."

Further media enquiries:
Werner Schwella
Cell: 083 591 6691

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