Western Cape Rewards the Province’s Top Adult Learners | Western Cape Government


Western Cape Rewards the Province’s Top Adult Learners

26 February 2014
The Head of Education – Penny Vinjevold,
Chairperson of the Standing Committee in Education Cathy Labuschagne,
Committee Members,
District Directors and officials responsible for ABET Curriculum and ABET Institutional Management and Governance,
ABET Board Members,
ABET Partners: officials from Department of Correctional Services, Adult Learning Forum, Transport and Public Works, Social Development, Community Safety, Health, and Unions,
ABET Centre Managers, teachers and learners,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Good evening to you all.

I am delighted to be here to celebrate the achievements of our ABET learners and centres in the 2013 ABET Level 4 examinations.

Ek het nog altyd gesê en glo sterk dat leer ‘n lewenslange onderneming is. Ons is trots op ons volwasse leerders wat gebruik gemaak het van die geleenthede wat deur die WKOD aangebied word deur ons sentrums vir Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (OOV). Dit is dan ook niks minder as reg dat ons vanaand hulle prestasies vier nie.

I have always said and strongly believe that learning is a lifelong commitment, and we are proud of our adult learners who have made use of the opportunities that are on offer by the WCED through our Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) centres, and whose achievements we will rightly celebrate tonight. 

For many adult learners, the 114 adult learning centres we have in this province have become an integral part of their communities. Here adults can obtain their General Education and Training Certificate (GETC): ABET qualification, which allows adult learners the opportunity to access further education and training, career development and employment opportunities.

This enables our adult learners to contribute positively to the development of their community and the Western Cape economy. It also allows our adult learners to live fuller, richer and more engaged lives in their communities.

I am very pleased by the rapid growth in the adult learning area. In 2013, a total of 4 776 candidates registered for one or more learning areas. This represents 789 more adult learners than in 2012, and 1 433 more than in 2011.

The number of learning area entries also increased. In 2013 there was a total of 19 450 area entries compared to 16 987 in 2012, 14 149 in 2011 and 9 551 in 2010.

This significant increase in the learning area entries is encouraging and demonstrates that the WCED is increasing access to learning opportunities for adults across the Province. In all eight education districts the number of entries increased.

The three most popular learning areas for adults were Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation and English.

I am pleased that the most popular learning areas for our adult learners include Mathematical Literacy, and Languages – two areas that this Government is determined to improve and promote.

In die finale uitslae het kandidate uitsonderlik goed presteer in die twee nuwe leerareas wat vanjaar bygevoeg is – Arts and Culture (95.6%) en Vroeëkindontwikkeling (92.8%). 

In the final results, candidates performed exceptionally well in the two learning areas  -  Arts and Culture (95.6%) and Early Childhood Development (92.8%). 

I am delighted that in 2013 we achieved the highest number of learning area passes, with 8 463 learning area passes compared to 7677 in 2012, 6 762 in 2011 and 5 451 in 2010.

Therefore 786 more learning area passes were achieved by candidates than in the previous year – opening up further opportunities for these adult learners.

Many of these candidates have achieved these results in very difficult conditions.

Our adult learners are not subject to a compulsory and structured programme as we have in our public schools. Attendance is not compulsory or monitored and learners are required to do a significant amount of work by themselves because many of them have to prioritise other work or family commitments before their studies.

So I would like to congratulate each and every candidate who passed, especially those whom we will celebrate tonight.

A very warm welcome to our oldest candidate in 2013 – Rachel Montzinger (70 yrs of age) - who is at Delft CLC. Mrs Montzinger achieved passes in three learning areas.

I should also like to welcome Mr William Dyubeni (64 yrs of age) who is our oldest candidate to receive a full qualification.

All of our individual candidates deserve a round of applause (clap).

I should also like to acknowledge and thank the individual ABET centres which have achieved great success. You have provided such encouragement, hope and opportunities to so many adult learners who pass through your doors each day.

Centres like Malmesbury ALC, which registered 283 more candidates than in the previous year, while also improving their pass rate from 73.5% in 2011 to 76% in 2013.

George CLC achieved a 100% pass rate in Small Medium and Micro Enterprises, and Overberg Learning Centre, achieved 100% in Travel and Tourism.

I sincerely hope that all these centres and the candidates present here tonight will continue to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them by this government and that many doors will open to a brighter future as a result of their hard work and commitment. 

By providing adult education and training opportunities we are making the lives of our adult citizens BETTER TOGETHER.

List of Learner Awardees for 2013 Abet Level 4 Awards.

List of Centre Awardees for 2013 Abet Level 4 Awards.

Media Enquiries: 
Bronagh Casey
Spokesperson for Minister Donald Grant
Tel: 021 467 2377
Cell: 072 724 1422
Fax: 021 425 3616