Ministers Carlisle and Plato Join Tough Stance on SA Roadlink | Western Cape Government


Ministers Carlisle and Plato Join Tough Stance on SA Roadlink

5 June 2012

Following reports of the latest scandal to rock SA Roadlink, Western Cape Transport Minister Robin Carlisle and his counterpart in Gauteng, Minister Ismail Vadi, have agreed to take tough action against the long-distance bus operator.

Minister Vadi has laid charges against SA Roadlink after it was discovered that a senior SA Roadlink employee had resigned in disgust after only three days, having discovered a scheme to produce fraudulent roadworthy documents. The employee is alleged to have obtained sufficient evidence to prove the existence of the scheme before walking out.

"I, together with Community Safety Minister Dan Plato, have decided that, in support of our colleague from Gauteng, and with immediate effect and until further notice, every SA Roadlink bus in the province will be stopped on sight and pulled over for a detailed inspection of their operating licence and all relevant transport documents, including vehicle registration and roadworthy and driver licensing. I have been accused of targeting SA Roadlink before. What this shows is that I did not target them enough," said Minister Carlisle.

Western Cape Community Safety Minister, Dan Plato, will deploy the Provincial Traffic Services to give force to the instruction.

"I have instructed Provincial Traffic to stop and check public transport buses. We are putting the safety of passengers first. We simply cannot risk having unroadworthy buses travelling long distances on our roads, putting people's lives at risk," said Minister Plato.

Media Enquiries: 

Hector Eliott
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 8546
Cell: 083 669 9609

Greg Wagner
Department of Community Safety
Tel: 021 483 6288
Cell: 072 623 4499