Application for the issue of Certificates

The WCED (Directorate Examinations Administration) facilitates:
- Issue of certificates: This is available only for clients who reside within the Western Cape (regardless of the Education Department where the qualification was obtained)
- Where results are unavailable to the WCED, clients are referred to the respective province where the examination was written.

You can apply for:
- National Senior Certificate
- Senior Certificate
- Amended Senior Certificate
- ABET Level 4
- General and Further Education Certificate
- National Certificate Vocational
- National Certificate (N3)
The online application system is limited to applications for lost or damaged certificate and NOT for the following:
- Combined certificates: where a client wrote over multiple years to accumulate pass credits;
- Re-issue certificates: where a client needs to change personal details such as names, surname and identity number or date of birth;
- Certified statement: A certificate issued by Ex Departments before the establishment of the previous South African Certification Council (SAFCERT) in November 1992.
After submitting your online application, please forward all queries directly to Umalusi; see contact details below:
- Email:, or call;
- Tel.: 012 349 1510
You can apply for:
- Senior Certificate
- Copies of Senior/Junior Certificate
- Statement of Results
How to apply | Application form
Print | Download a copy of the application form (Valid from 1 April 2024 - 31 March 2025)
Complete the application form in full.
Pay the administration fee [R170] in person at the WCED cashier or via EFT or direct bank deposit. Bank account details are indicated on the form.
Scan and email completed application form, copy of ID and proof of payment to:
Who to approach
In person
Examinations Walk-in Centre, 1 North Wharf Square, 2 Lower Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001
By mail
If you do not reside in the Cape Town area and are unable to visit the office in person, write to:
Western Cape Education Department, Directorate Examinations Administration, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000
Email applications to:
What you will need
In addition to the Application Form (1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024), you will need the following items:
Identity document
You will need to furnish a certified copy of your identity document. (This must be done by a commissioner of oaths). You can make a copy and have it certified at a police station. Please remember to take the original along so that the commissioner of oaths can verify the copy.
School | College Name and Year of qualification
You will also need to include the name of the school | college, province and year in which you obtained your qualification.
Your Surname
Do not forget to indicate the surname as at the time of the exam, especially if you are a female and have been married in the interim and changed your surname.
Administration fees payable
R 60 for Statement of Results
R 170 for a copy of a Senior certificate | National Senior Certificate
You can either pay in cash at the WCED cashier – if you go in person – or by means of an electronic transfer.
The above fees can be deposited directly into the Department’s bank account, the details of which are:
PS: All payments should be made out to the Provincial Government of the Western Cape: Department of Education.
A copy of the deposit slip | proof of payment must accompany the application before any certificate can be processed.
What to expect
If you obtained your qualification before 1992, the copy should be ready in 6-8 weeks.
If you matriculated after and including 1992, there is a longer waiting period as the certificate has to be requested from Pretoria – about 8 weeks.
Certificate WILL NOT BE POSTED. Applicant will be notified for collection.
Present your ID when collecting your certificate. If a third party collects the certificate on your behalf, the following procedure will apply:
PS: If you are residing overseas it would be more practical to arrange with a relative or friend living in South Africa to apply on your behalf. If not, you will be liable for the courier cost overseas.
Third Party Collections
- Third party and the certificate holder’s ID should be produced (certified copies)
- A letter of consent is required, where permission is granted to a third party to collect a certificate on your behalf
For more information please telephone: 0861 819 919