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Department of Education

Senior Certificate (SC) Exams May|June

Senior Certificate (SC) Exams May|June banner


SC Examination | June 2025

Examination Helpline: Monday – Friday | 07:30 – 16:00 | tel. 0861 819 919 (Option 2)

Senior Certificate candidates may ONLY register for the May/June 2024 examination.

May/June 2025 SC Registration
  • Online registration: 1 October 2024 – 7 February 2025
  • Manual registration: 1 November 2024 – 7 February 2025

Resources for Grade 12 | Subject Content for Grade 12 | Question Papers & Memos

Registration Information: June 2025 SC examination | How to register

Registration: June 2025 SC examination
  1. Online registration: 1 October 2024 – 7 February 2025
  2. Manual registration: 1 November 2024 – 7 February 2025
    May|June 2025 SC Exam Application form



June 2025 Results | SC Important Dates

Release of results: June 2025 SC examination


The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will release the results of individuals at the relevant centres where candidates wrote their examinations.


Results to be collected at Examination Centres and at identified collection points. This will be communicated to candidates via SMS.

Check your personal details on the SC results and request correction of details within 21 days after the release of the results

  1. Ensure that all names as per your identity document are included on the statement of results.
  2. Check that your name(s) and surname are spelled correctly.
  3. Check that the correct date of birth/identity number is printed on the results.


Please note: Administrative errors like these can be rectified within three months after the results have been released.


If there are any errors on the results, contact the WCED Head Office with the following documents:

  • Current statement of results
  • Certified copy of the identity document
  • Affidavit, declaring that you are the rightful owner of the statement of results
  • Specify the error to be rectified
  • Complete the reissuing application form.

Application for the Remark | Recheck of NSC/SC June 2024 answer scripts

Payment | Fees


Remarking: R120 (per subject)
Rechecking: R30 (per subject)
Viewing of scripts (only after remarking and rechecking): R230 (per subject & non-refundable)


Payments can be made by EFT or at a Nedbank branch into the following account:


WCED Banking Details

  • Applications for remark can only be done online using a computer with Google Chrome.
  • Remark applications cannot be made via a Cellphone.
  • It is advisable to make an application for a rewrite in the event of a remark not changing any of your levels.
Applications are ONLY available online at:


Enquiries for a remark | recheck

Who qualifies?
  1. An application to view your answer scripts can only be made after your scripts have been remarked | rechecked.
  2. The purpose of viewing of marked and remarked scripts is provide you with an opportunity to confirm that the scripts were marked in its entirety and the marks are a true reflection of your performance in the examination.
What is an application for a viewing?
  • Applications to view your subject paper answer script MUST be made within seven (7) days of the release of remarked results and you MUST provide very clear reasons for your request.
  • Applications for viewing of scripts must be submitted via
    Insert the word “Viewing: and your Examination Number” in the Subject Line of your email application.

FAQ | Remarking – Online Application

Remarking | Rechecking

ONLY ONLINE remarking applications will be accepted.



Who qualifies for remarking/rechecking? (Online eRemark application)


Candidates may submit an application for the remarking/rechecking of their scripts if they feel that the mark allocated is not a true reflection of their performance on the papers written within 21 days after the release of results.


Can I apply at the WCED or my school?


Applications for remarking can only be done online.


What is the difference between a remark and a recheck?


A remark is when a script is assessed by an authorised person (not the same person who initially assessed it), appointed by the WCED.

A recheck is when a script is scrutinised to ensure that all questions are marked and added/calculated correctly. This is done by an assessment official.


How do you determine who must be refunded after a remark?


Candidates will be refunded if there is an improvement in the achieved level (e.g., 3–5)


What is the process to follow to view my answer book?


You must first apply for a remark/recheck and if you are still unsatisfied, forward a written request for the review of your script to: (include proof of payment).


The applicable fees are indicated on the reverse side of your statement of results.



Directorate: Assessment Management, Western Cape Education Department

Tel.: 0861 819 919 (Option 2)

Tel.: 021 467 2980


The WCED will notify applicants by letter about the outcome of the results of the remarking or rechecking of scripts.


What is the cost when applying for results, combination or certificate?


Tariffs are as follows:

Confirmation of results (statement): R60,00
Combination of different results (1st issue): R170,00
Lost (senior/junior) certificate: R170,00


Please note that the following documentation must accompany your application:

  1. Certified copy of your identity document
  2. Proof of payment

Viewing of Answer Scripts for the NSC/SC June 2024 Examination

An application to view your answer scripts can only be made after your scripts have been remarked | rechecked.


The purpose of viewing your marked and remarked scripts is provide you with an opportunity to confirm that the scripts were marked in its entirety and the marks are a true reflection of your performance in the examination.


Viewing of your subject paper answer script will only be processed provided that the scripts were re-marked. Answer scripts for which a remark application was not submitted before the due date, will not be processed.


Applications to view your subject paper answer script MUST be made within seven (7) days of the release of re-marked results and you MUST provide very clear reasons for your request.


Applications for viewing of scripts must be submitted via
Insert the word “Viewing: and your Examination Number” in the Subject Line of your email application.


Include in your emailed application:

  • Proof of payment (full amount)
  • Subject/s paper you wish to view.
Payment | Fees (Non-refundable)

Viewing of scripts (only after remarking and rechecking): R230 (per subject & non-refundable)

Payments can be made by EFT or at a Nedbank branch into the following account


WCED Banking Details



Who can write?

I wrote the SC June 2024 examination, can I register again to rewrite in the May|June 2025 examinations?


Registration can be done online and manually. Check the registration information tab above for the dates.


If I change from NSC to SC can I change back to NSC?


No, the NSC and SC examinations have different criteria and therefore the results cannot be combined.


The following learners qualify to register for the Senior Certificate exams for adults:


Adult learners who are 21 years and older:


  1. A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET); or
  2. A Grade 9 (Standard 7) school report, stating that they have passed Grade 9; or
  3. A recognized equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1, which requires two official languages.


Adult learners who are 21 years and older who have passed some subjects for a Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate, who:


  1. Need to complete a Senior Certificate qualification;
  2. Have an incomplete National Senior Certificate;
  3. Adult candidates who are 21 years and older with an incomplete NSC may choose to complete the NSC or convert to the Senior Certificate. Should the candidate choose to convert to the Senior Certificate, they may not revert to the NSC and attempt to complete the NSC qualification.


In exceptional cases, Youth who are 18 to 20 years old and who are not in school can apply to the Head of Education in the province to write the exams if they have one of the following:
(Candidates cannot register online and must register by completing an application form)


  1. A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET); or
  2. A Grade 9 (Standard 7) school report, stating that they have passed Grade 9; or
  3. A recognized equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1, which requires

When can I write?

When will the SC June 2025 examination start?


Date of June 2025 SC Exam: TBC

The timetable will be available on our website.


When do I write individual subjects?


Admission letters will be made available approximately three weeks before the start of the examinations.

Where do I rewrite as a private candidate?

You may indicate a high/secondary school in the area or district where you live. The WCED will inform you of the final writing venue in your admission letter.

What subjects can I study?

Candidates can register to write exams for one or more subjects that appear in the lists below.


You need to write 6 subjects and pass at least 5 subjects to qualify for a Senior Certificate.


You can register to write exams for at least one of the subjects, and a maximum of six subjects in one year.


PLEASE NOTE: Applicants who wish to write Information Technology (IT) or Computer Application Technology (CAT) as a subject for Senior Certificate qualification must submit evidence (Official letter from the school/institution) that they have attended classes for the practical components of the subjects. The official letter must be attached to the registration application form.


Candidates can only register for Computer Applications Technology (CAT) at an institution that offers the subject and not online.


Table A: Official Languages at Home and First Additional Level


Afrikaans Home Language13300019AFRHS
Afrikaans First Additional Language13310029AFRFS
English Home Language13300039ENGHS
English First Additional Language13310049ENGFS
IsiNdebele Home Language13300059NDBHS
IsiNdebele First Additional Language13310069NDBFS
IsiXhosa Home Language13300079XHOHS
IsiXhosa First Additional Language13310089XHOFS
IsiZulu Home Language13300099ZULHS
IsiZulu First Additional Language13310109ZULFS
Sepedi Home Language13300119SEPHS
Sepedi First Additional Language13310129SEPFS
Sesotho Home Language13300139SESHS
Sesotho First Additional Language13310149SESFS
Setswana Home Language13300159SETHS
Setswana First Additional Language13310169SETFS
SiSwati Home Language13300179SWAHS
SiSwati First Additional Language13310189SWAFS
Tshivenda Home Language13300199TSVHS
Tshivenda First Additional Language13310209TSVFS
Xitsonga Home Language13300219XITHS
Xitsonga First Additional Language13310229XITFS


Table B1: Agriculture

Agricultural Sciences10320239AGRSS


Table B2: Business, Commerce and Management Studies

Business Studies12320259BSTDS


Table B3: Human and Social Studies

Religion Studies16320299RLGSS


Table B4: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences

Computer Applications Technology19320309CATNS
Life Sciences19320329LFSCS
Mathematical Literacy19320339MLITS
Physical Sciences19320359PHSCS


New subject names

Please note: the names of some subjects have changed for the revised Senior Certificate. The following table compares the names that applied before July 2014 to those that now apply, for your guidance.


Current Senior Certificate Subjects offeredReplaced by Senior Certificate Subjects
Accounting HG | SGAccounting
Agricultural ScienceAgricultural Sciences
Biology HG | SGLife Sciences
Biblical Studies HG | SGReligion Studies
Business Economics HG | SGBusiness Studies
Commercial MathematicsMathematical Literacy | Mathematics
Computer Studies HG | SGInformation Technology
Computyping SGComputer Applications Technology
Economics HG | SGEconomics
Functional Mathematics SGMathematical Literacy | Mathematics
Functional Physical Science SGMathematical Literacy | Mathematics
Geography HG | SGGeography
History HG | SGHistory
Mathematics HG | SGMathematical Literacy | Mathematics
Physical Science HG | SGPhysical Sciences
Physiology HG | SGLife Sciences
Physiology and Hygiene SGLife Sciences
Travel and Tourism SGTourism
Typing SGComputer Applications Technology

SC examination pass requirements

Pass requirements for the Amended Senior Certificate:

Adult learners 20 years and older and out of school youth 18-21 years entering the amended SC without credits must:

  1. Offer a minimum of 6 subjects:
    1. Must include two (2) official languages, of which one must be the Language of learning and teaching (LOLT)
    2. One of the languages must be at Home Language level and the other at least at First Additional Language level.
  2. Pass at least five subjects, provided:
    1. Obtain at least 40% in three (3) subjects which include Home Language and 30% in the remaining two subjects of the amended Senior Certificate as listed below;;
    2. Obtain a sub-minimum of 20% in the failed sixth subject in the final examination;
  3. No aggregate requirement for candidates taking all six (6) amended Senior Certificate subjects.
  4. One subject condonation(c) at 20%, 30% or 40% is permitted if the candidate is short of one subject to obtain the qualification.
  5. No immigrant concession will be granted.
Learners with SC credits obtained prior to July 2014
  1. All Senior Certificate subjects obtained prior to July 2014 can be combined provided you:
    1. Obtained at least 40% to qualify for a Higher Grade pass in that subject, with the exception of the Second Language Higher Grade in which at least 33,3% must have been obtained.
    2. Obtained at least 33, 3% to qualify for a Standard Grade pass in that subject.
    3. No Lower Grade credits will be recognized except when needed to affect a pass.
    4. Obtained at least 40% in Sake Afrikaans or Business English (N3 Languages) at First or Second Level (offered prior to July 2014).
  2. These learners must select the remaining required subjects from the amended senior certificate subject list.
  3. Subject selection must include two (2) official languages, one at First Language level and the other at least at Second Language level.
NSC candidates older than 21 with expired School-based Assessments (SBA)
  1. All National Senior Certificate subjects, in which a pass was obtained, with the exclusion of Life Orientation, can be combined with the new Senior Certificate subjects.
  2. No aggregate will apply for subject combinations of the amended Senior Certificate with the National Senior Certificate.
  3. NSC subjects passed at 30% can be used in the combination.

Combination of Results

Principles for combination
  1. A candidate may combine any number of previous credits from the SC(a), SC, NSC or N3 languages.
  2. The best 6 subjects will be used in the combination.
  3. A candidate must pass at least 5 subjects in the combination.
  4. Only pass subjects will be utilised for combination purposes.
  5. A candidate must offer a minimum of one SC(a) subject in the combination and that subject must be passed at 30%.
  6. The subminimum requirement of one subject at 20% will apply to all candidates including those requesting combinations.
  7. A candidate can receive only one condonation, either on aggregate (total marks) or subject.
  8. The aggregate of 800 will only apply when combining the SC(a) with SC subjects and N3 languages. No aggregate will apply for combining the SC(a) with NSC subjects.
  9. Similar subjects from different qualifications cannot be used to combine results viz. Biology and Life Sciences; English Home Language | First Additional Language and Business English, etc.
Promotion requirements for combinations
  1. Candidate wrote six subjects or more.
  2. Pass at least five of the six subjects.
  3. Pass at least one SC(a) subject in the combination at 30%.
  4. The best six subjects will be used in the combination including the best two languages (one must be Home Language or First language) will be taken into consideration.
  5. Pass two languages, one at Home Language or First Language level at 40% and the other on First Additional Language | Second Language level at 30%. N3 Languages passed at 40%.
  6. A candidate may pass two languages at Home Language or First Language level.
  7. One of the languages should be a LOLT language.
  8. Obtained 40% in Senior Certificate HG subjects and 33,3% in Senior Certificate SG subjects.
  9. Obtained at least 30% in the NSC subjects.
  10. Satisfy the aggregate of 800 when combining to SC(a), SC and N3 languages.
  11. The subminimum of 20% will only apply for the 6th subject.
  12. One subject condonation (maximum 2%) at 40% or 33,3%, 30% or 20%, if the candidate is short of one subject to obtain the qualification or an aggregate condonation on 790 will apply.

Where can I study? (List of CLCs)

Your options include studying on your own or at an Adult Learning Centre if they offer tuition for the Senior Certificate.

We advise you to check whether your nearest Adult Learning Centre offers tuition for the Senior Certificate, and for which subjects.

For any further enquiries, please find contact details below:

Metro Central Metro East
Bridgetown CLC

CLC address:

Bridgetown HS: 11 Brushwood Road | Bridgetown | Athlone

Centre Manager:

I. Ceres
Tel. 083 697 9774

St Francis CLC

CLC address:

NY 18 Songeze Str. | Gugulethu

Centre Manager:

N. Madubula
Tel. 021 928 8702

Forest Heights CLC

CLC address:

Forest Heights HS: Bloekom Avenue | Forest Heights | Eersteriver

Centre Manager:

D. Engelbrecht
Tel. 071 106 4965

Noluthando CLC

CLC address:

c/o Old Faure & Spine Road | Eersteriver

Centre Manager:

L. Monakali
Tel. 065 812 4965 | 071 202 8850

Damba CLC

CLC address:

Section E580 | Silumko Street | Khayelitsha

Centre Manager:

N. Mdekazi
Tel. 084 596 6410

Intando Yethu CLC

CLC address:

Isiphiwo PS: Hlula Road | Section 33 Harare | Khayelitsha

Centre Manager:

N. Mdekazi
Tel. 083 596 6410

Kuyasa CLC

CLC address:

c/o Mqa and Sizimisele Street | Kuyasa | Khayelitsha

Centre Manager:

N. Mdekazi
Tel. 083 596 6410

Masiyile CLC

CLC address:

Bulumko HS: 31 Mongezi Street | F Section | Khayelitsha

Centre Manager:

M. Nomtshongwana
Tel. 021 948 3119

Masakhane CLC

CLC address:

Khanyolwethu Sec.: Noxolo Street | Lwandle | Strand

Centre Manager:

E. Nomfazi
Tel. 073 752 1734


Metro North Metro South
Delft CLC

CLC address:

Leiden Sec.: 1 Jan Dissel Avenue | Leiden | Delft

Centre Manager:

P. Mjuleni
Tel. 073 325 6665

Isibane CLC

CLC address:

Sophakama PS: 86 Thandabantu Str. | Du Noon | Milnerton

Centre Manager:

S. Mvinjelwa
Tel. 071 684 2994

Mfuleni CLC

CLC address:

Mfuleni HS: Cnr Tokwana Nqubelani Str. Ext 6 | Mfuleni

Centre Manager:

V. Koyo
Tel. 073 204 8233

Cwesi CLC

CLC address:

Wynberg Boys’ HS: Lovers Walk | Wynberg

Centre Manager:

C. Schmidt
Tel. 071 896 5850

Phumelela CLC

CLC address:

Sithembela Mathiso Sec.: c/o Koornhof Str. | NY 78 | New Crossroads

Centre Manager:

N. Sithetho
Tel. 073 846 7936

Portlands CLC

CLC address:

Cnr Morgenster & Merrydale Road | Portland | Mitchells Plain

Centre Manager:

M. Wilson
Tel. 082 775 6353


Cape Winelands Eden and Central Karoo
Robertson CLC

CLC address:

Vergesig PS: 21 Jasmyn Street | Robertson

Centre Manager:

N. Schoeman
Tel. 023 626 1353

Wellington CLC

CLC address:

48 Hospital Street | Wellington

Centre Manager:

B. Whittles
Tel. 021 864 2418

Witzenburg CLC

CLC address:

21 Lyell Street | Ceres

Centre Manager:

A. Coetzee
Tel. 072 280 0829

Worcester CLC

CLC address:

163 Grey Street | Worcester

Centre Manager:

E. Paulse
Tel. 079 869 3723

Central Karoo CLC

CLC address:

1st Avenue Station Building | Hillside | Beaufort West

Centre Manager:

L. Links
Tel. 023 414 3834

De Rust Futura CLC

CLC address:

De Rust Futura Academie: Patryslaagte 1 | De Rust Landgoed | Grabouw

Centre Manager:

W. Theunis
Tel. 021 844 0448

Oudtshoorn CLC

CLC address:

3631 Springbok Road | Bridgton | Oudtshoorn

Centre Manager:

C. Jafta
Tel. 044 272 0088 | 078 882 6696


Overberg West Coast
Overstrand CLC

CLC address:

Enlighten Education Trust | c/o Swartdam Rd & Angelier Str. | Hermanus

Centre Manager:

S. Mofokeng
Tel. 079 704 4591

Malmesbury CLC

CLC address:

Schoonspruit Sec. | Darling Way | Wesbank | Malmesbury

Centre Manager:

D. Jantjies
Tel. 022 486 1085

Stellenbosch CLC

CLC address:

A.F Louw Primary School | La Colline Way | Stellenbosch

Centre Manager:

L. Carstens
Tel. 079 692 7668