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Department of Education

Selected ELRC Collective Agreements (Resolutions)

ELRC Collective Agreements: National

Agreement NumberSubject
05 of 2007Further Agreement on the transfer of employees from the Department of Education to individual FET Colleges
04 of 2007Implementation of the Further Education and Training Colleges Act Number 16 of 2006
03 of 2007Levy agreement
02 of 2007Shop stewards in education
01 of 2007Vote weights to the trade unions that are parties to council
05 of 2006Improved Career Pathing for Qualified Post level 1 Educators and Accelerated Progression for all educators on applicable salary levels
03 of 2006School grading norms
08 of 2003Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS)
04 of 2003Post and Salary structures for educators
02 of 2003Transfer of serving educators in terms of operational requirements
08 of 2002Payment of acting allowance for educators acting in a higher post where the permanent incumbent is absent
07 of 2002Appointment of full-time shop stewards in education
06 of 2002Implementation of Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 in education
08 of 2001Payment of acting allowance for an educator acting in a higher vacant and funded post
07 of 2001New leave measures for educators and provision for the remuneration of educators who perform child care duties during periods of leave
01 of 1998Agency Shop Agreement
07 of 1997Dispute resolution procedure of Council
13 of 1996Grievance Procedure
02 of 1996Second agreement on time-off and secondment
13 of 1995Criteria for the advertising and filling of educators posts
08 of 1995Agreement on time-off and secondment
07 of 1995Regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment of educators