Safe Schools Circulars
Circular 32 of 2023: Education Safety Management Standard Operating Procedure to be followed relating to the procurement of goods and services for Safe Schools
Circular 29 of 2023: Introduction of the Safe Schools Logging and Tracking System
Circular 12 of 2023: Violence against employees by learners and community members whilst on duty
Circular 1 of 2023: Vetting officials against the National Register for Sexual Offences
Circular 48 of 2021: The English version of any communication to schools takes precedence in cases of conflict in the three official languages
Circular 29 of 2021: Amended guidelines for random search and seizure, and alcoholic liquor and illegal drug testing at public schools in response to the 2018 Constitutional Court judgement on the decriminalisation of the private use of cannabis
Circular 20 of 2021: Safety and Security Resilience Scorecard
Circular 18 of 2021: Procurement related to private security guarding services
Circular 15 of 2021: Management and storage of hazardous or potentially hazardous substances
Circular 22 of 2020: WCED Policy on the Vetting of Persons Coming into Contact with Learners or Officials at a Public School on its Premises or at a School Activity, 2020
Circular 4 of 2020: To ensure the effective implementation of the Nine Point Safe Schools Planning Process
Circular 35 of 2019: Section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2020/21 financial year
Circular 23 of 2019: Strengthening the implementation of the policy on learner attendance and keeping of attendance records
Circular 31 of 2014: Amended Abuse No More Protocol (2014)
Circular 24 of 2011: Guidelines for random search and seizure and alcoholic liquor and illegal drug testing at public schools
IMGP Minute 6 of 2011: Revision and Submission of School Contingency Plan
Circular 24 of 2009: Code of Conduct for Schools
Circular 23 of 2009: Random searches and seizures and drug testing at schools
Circular 22 of 2009: Statutory requirements, rules and conditions for contracting security services at WCED institutions
Circular 99 of 2000: Safe Schools Call Centre: Reporting of school crime and abuse