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Department of Education

National Senior Certificate (NSC) Exams | June

NSC Examinations | June banner


NSC Examinations | June 2024

Examination Helpline: Monday – Friday | 07:30 – 16:00 | tel. 0861 819 919 (Option 2)


May/June 2024 NSC|SC Results

  •  Registration period: 14 January – 7 February 2025

Resources for Grade 12 | Subject Content for Grade 12 | Question Papers & Memos

Registration for June 2025 examination | How to register

Registration: June 2025 NSC examination

The June 2025 NSC examination is open to ONLY NSC Part time Repeater candidates who:

  • Wrote the NSC Examination from 2008 - 2024.
  • No applications for new subjects are allowed; must have a valid School Based Assessment (SBA) mark(s) for the subject(s).
  • If registered for a new subject, you can only write the November examination

NSC | Important Dates

Registration: 14 January – 7 February 2025 (Manual applications only)

Check your personal details on the NSC results and request correction of details within 21 days after the release of the results

  1. Ensure that all names as per your identity document are included on the statement of results.
  2. Check that your name(s) and surname are spelled correctly.
  3. Check that the correct date of birth/identity number is printed on the results.

Please note: Administrative errors like these can be rectified within three months after the results have been released.

If there are any errors on the results, contact the WCED via email (clearly specify error to be rectified) at or Tel: 0861 819 919 (Option 2).

The documents below are required and should be attached to email request:

  • Current statement of results
  • Certified copy of the identity document
  • Updated affidavit stating reason for the difference between the identity document and the information on the Statement of Results
  • Specify the error to be rectified
  • Complete the reissuing application form – when issued by the department.

Application for the Remark | Recheck of NSC/SC June 2024 answer scripts

Payment | Fees


Remarking: R120 (per subject)
Rechecking: R30 (per subject)
Viewing of scripts (only after remarking and rechecking): R230 (per subject & non-refundable)


Payments can be made by EFT or at a Nedbank branch into the following account:

WCED Banking Details

  • Applications for remark can only be done online using a computer with Google Chrome.
  • Re-mark applications cannot be made via a Cellphone.
  • It is advisable to make an application for a rewrite in the event of a remark not changing any of your levels.
Applications are ONLY available online at:



Enquiries for a remark | recheck

Who qualifies?
  1. An application to view your answer scripts can only be made after your scripts have been remarked | rechecked.
  2. The purpose of viewing of marked and remarked scripts is provide you with an opportunity to confirm that the scripts were marked in its entirety and the marks are a true reflection of your performance in the examination. 
What is an application for a viewing?

NOTE: The purpose of a viewing is to verify that the scripts said by the WCED to be your scripts are indeed re-marked and that it has been marked in their entirety.


Viewing of your subject paper answer script will only be processed provided that the scripts were re-marked. Answer scripts for which a remark application was not submitted before the due date, will not be processed.


Once you receive your re-mark/re-check results, you may apply to view your answer scripts. Applications MUST be made within seven (7) days after the release of re-marked results and you MUST provide very clear reasons for your request.


Apply through with subject line ‘Viewing’ AND your exam number as reference:


Include in your emailed application:

  1. Proof of payment (full amount)
  2. Subject/s paper you wish to view

Viewing of Answer Scripts for the NSC/SC June 2024 Examination

An application to view your answer scripts can only be made after your scripts have been remarked | rechecked.


The purpose of viewing of marked and remarked scripts is provide you with an opportunity to confirm that the scripts were marked in its entirety and the marks are a true reflection of your performance in the examination.

Viewing of your subject paper answer script will only be processed provided that the scripts were remarked. Answer scripts for which a remark application was not submitted before the due date, will not be processed.

Applications to view your subject paper answer script MUST be made within seven (7) days of the release of re-marked results and you MUST provide very clear reasons for your request.


Applications for viewing of scripts must be submitted via
Insert the word “Viewing: and your Examination Number” in the Subject Line of your email application.


Include in your emailed application:

  • Proof of payment (full amount)
  • Subject/s paper you wish to view.
Payment | Fees (Non-refundable)


Viewing of scripts (only after remarking and rechecking): R230 (per subject & non-refundable)


Payments can be made by EFT or at a Nedbank branch into the following account

WCED Banking Details



NSC examination pass requirements

There are four pass levels:
  1. Higher certificate
  2. Diploma
  3. Bachelor’s degree pass (previously known as an exemption)
  4. NSC examination certificates – Special Needs Education (SNE) pass


The matric pass requirements for each of these levels are as follows:

Higher certificate pass requirements
  1. Must obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  2. Must obtain at least 40% in three subjects
  3. Must obtain at least 30% in three other subjects
  4. Must pass at least six out of seven subjects
Diploma pass requirements
  1. Must obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  2. Must obtain at least 40% in three other subjects, excluding Life Orientation
  3. Must pass at least six out of seven subjects

With this pass requirement, you can apply to study for a diploma at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or university of technology.

Bachelor’s degree pass requirements
  1. Must obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  2. Must obtain at least 50% in four subjects, excluding Life Orientation
  3. Must obtain at least 30% in one other subject
  4. Must pass at least six out of seven subjects
SNE pass requirements


Will obtain an NSC with an endorsement if learners comply with the following promotion requirements:

  1. 30% in the required official language at either Home Language or First Additional Language level
  2. A minimum of 30% in four other subjects


Please note: Candidates who offer a minimum of five subjects for the NSC with an endorsement must achieve at least 30% in all five subjects to obtain the NSC SNE endorsed certificate.


NB: All subjects, excluding Life Orientation, will be taken into consideration for Diploma/Bachelor’s degree pass requirements.


Candidates who failed to achieve a Diploma or Bachelor’s pass status in their current examination sitting, can improve their pass status if they register and write the NSC June 2022 examination. Improved results can lead to a change in their pass status and a new certificate can be issued by Umalusi.


With achieving a Bachelor's degree pass status, you can apply to study towards a degree at a university, university of technology, TVET college or any accredited higher learning institution.

Level system: What the grades mean
  1. Level 7: 80–100% (Outstanding achievement)
  2. Level 6: 70–79% (Meritorious achievement)
  3. Level 5: 60–69% (Substantial achievement)
  4. Level 4: 50–59% (Moderate achievement)
  5. Level 3: 40–49% (Adequate achievement)
Which subjects are compulsory?
  1. Home Language
  2. First Additional Language
  3. Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy or Technical Mathematics
  4. Life Orientation

You have to offer your language of learning and teaching (either English or Afrikaans) as one of your language subjects.


All School-Based Assessment (SBA) marks achieved since 2008 are valid.


Learners with valid SBA only need to rewrite the written papers.


Learners offering new NSC subjects must complete the SBA and can only register for the November 2025 NSC examination.