Labour related policies

National Policies and Strategies
Provincial Policies and Guidelines
A Human Capital Development Strategy for the Western Cape: A focus on Youth
’n Menslikekapitaalontwikkelingstrategie vir die Wes-Kaap: ’n Fokus op Jeug
IsiCwangciso soPhuhliso lweZakhono zoLuntu saseNtshona Koloni: EsiJolise kuLutsha
Overtime Compensation: Provincial Guideline
- Guidelines for the application of Overtime Compensation within the Departments of the Western Cape Provincial Government
- Application documents for overtime remuneration
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1998
- Public Holidays Act 1 1994 (Act No. 36 of 1994)
- PSCBC Resolution No. 3 of 1999: (Remunerative Allowances and Benefits)
- PBC Western Cape (Collective Agreement) Compensation for Overtime
- Financial Manual
WCED Policies and Implementation Directives
- Common understanding on visitation to schools
- Gender Policy
- Guideline for Compliance with Employment Equity Targets
( office-based educators and public service staff ) - HIV and AIDS policy
- Managing Safety and Security within WCED Institutions
- Policy and procedure regarding off-site storage of WCED records
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Sexual Harassment Implementation Guidelines