Grade 12 Telematics Videos
Afrikaans Huistaal (HT)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 12 Afrikaans HT
Afrikaans Huistaal Telematiese werkboeke: 2023

Lys van literatuur (Nov 2023)
Die Roman
Die kwart-voor-sewe-lelie
Inleiding en Titel: Deel 1 | Deel 2
Die rol van die engel / Die verteller / Die gebeure
Karakterisering | Deurlopende motiewe | Konflik
Werkkaarte | Leerdervrae | Kontekstuele Vrae
Karakterisering: die ander karakters
Tema: Kommunikasie: Deel 1 | Deel 2
Lang vraag en kontekstuele vrae
Opstelvraag: Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3
Kontekstuele vraag | Hoe om die kontekstuele vraag te benader - proses

Beantwoording van die kontekstuele vraag

Leesbegrip | Leesbegriptegnieke | Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3 | Deel 4
Woordsoorte; Sinsleer 1 | Sinsleer 2
Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (EAT)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 12 Afrikaans EAT
Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Telematiese werkboeke: 2023

Kortverhale | November 2023

Gedigte | November 2023

Kort transaksionele tekste
Rigtingaanwysings en Instruksies
Eksamenonderwerpe en Praktiese Wenke
Kort transaksionele tekste | tipes

Vraestel 3
English Home Language (HL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 English HL
Mind the Gap study guides: Hamlet | Life of Pi | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Imagined Worlds
English Home Language Telematics workbooks: 2023 | 2024

Drama: Hamlet
Approach to writing a literature essay
Writing a literature essay & Exam prep
Novel: Life of Pi
Themes, setting, narrative technique
Essay and contextual questions
How to approach writing an essay Part 1 | Part 2 (Contextual questions – 3 strategies) | Part 3 | Part 4

Poetry | November 2023
Seen and Unseen – Writing a Poetry essay; Novel: Life of Pi – Writing a Literature essay
Talk to the Peach Tree and Prayer to Masks and Drama: Othello and Hamlet
Exam Tips: Section A - Practical matters in answering these questions

Paper 1
Language: Editing skills; Poetry: Unseen Poetry
Paper 2
How to approach writing a literature essay and contextual questions
Exam Prep – Time management, Poetry
Answering contextual questions - The literature essay

Visual Literacy
Instructional verbs and meaning; Advertising and Cartoons

English First Additional Language (FAL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 English FAL
Mind the Gap study guides: My Children! My Africa!
English First Additional Language Telematics workbooks: 2023

My Children, My Africa Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
My Children! My Africa! | Act 1 | Act 2
My Children! My Africa! - Short Stories
Short Stories | November 2023
Forbidden Love and Poetry: The Lake Isle of Innesfree
Sonnet 73 and Short story: Class Act

Poetry | November 2023
Sonnet 73 and Short story: Class Act

Visual Literacy:


Teacher PD English FAL - Paper 1
Question 1: Comprehension & Recommendations
Question 2: Summary & Recommendations
Question 3: Advertisement & Recommendations
Question 4: Cartoon & Recommendations
Question 5: Editing & Recommendations
Teacher PD English FAL - Paper 2
Understand questions regarding the following
- Theme
- Opinion (open-ended questions)
- Characterisation
- Tone
- Irony
Knowledge of the text and general tips 1 - 7 | 8 - 11
Comprehension and Summary Skills
Paper 2
Accounting | Rekeningkunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Accounting | Graad 12 Rekeningkunde

Accounting Telematics workbooks:
Income Statement
- Explain the purpose of an Income Statement
- Adjustment: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
- Income statement
Calculating the average share price: Part 1 | Part 2
Balance Sheet
- Non-Current Assets
- Equity and liabilities
- Inventory
- Current Assets
- Total Assets
- Shareholders, Trade, Current Liabilities
- Trade & other Receivables
- SARS Income TAX
- Fixed Deposit
- Important Info
State TWO other major decisions (exceeding R400 000) and quote the figures - Loans
Prepare a note for cash generated from operations
Cash flow statement
- Cash flow from Financing Activities
- Cash flow from Operating Activities
- Investing Activities
- Cash flow statements
Loans: Quote TWO relevant financial indicators and figures to support your opinion
Financial Statements and Notes: English | Afrikaans
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements of Companies: English | Afrikaans
Inventories: English | Afrikaans

Companies - Income Statement
Transactions unique to companies (brief revision):
- Issue and buy-back of shares
- Provisional tax payment and final income tax assessment
- Interim and final dividends
- Preparation of Income Statement
- Companies
- Purpose of a Balance Sheet
- Preparation of a Balance Sheet
- Prepare Notes and/or calculate relevant amounts
- Companies – Balance sheet
- Companies – unique transactions; income statements
Companies - Cash Flow Statement
- Companies - Cash Flow Statement
- The purpose of a Cash Flow Statement
- The three types of activities reflected in a Cash Flow Statement
- How to prepare sections of a Cash Flow Statement
- How to use the information in a Cash Flow Statement (interpretation)
- Companies - Cash flow statement & interpretations
Companies Ledger
Exam Preperation
- Paper 2: Cost Accounting | Kosterekeningkunde
Business Studies | Besigheidstudies
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade12 Business Studies | Graad 12 Besigheidstudies
Business Studies Telematics workbooks:
Business Studies: Exam preparation:
2019 | Edited | 2018 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Business Environments
Impact of recent legislation on business
- Provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- National Skills Development Strategy
- Employment Equity Act: Nature and aims
- Nature of BBBEE - CPA - NCA
- Impact of BBBEE - CPA - NCA
- Recent legislation (Feb 2021) | Onlangse wetgewing (Feb 2021)
Developing Strategies
- Developing Strategies - Important Tips
- Structure of Business Studies (Topics & sub-topics) Discussion
- The strategic management process
- Types of Business Strategies (DIDI)
- Question 7: Essay question on Business Strategies
- Types of business strategies
- Developing strategies
Business Ventures
Investment Securities
- What the learner must know; Terminology
- Functions of the JSE; Investment opportunities
- Types of Shares (Ordinary and preference shareholders); Investment concepts (Simple and compound interest)
- Simple and compound interest
- Investment: Securities (22/07/2019)
- Investments: Securities: English (06/05/2024) | Afrikaans (07/05/2024)
Investments | Beleggings
Presentation of information and data response
Business Roles
Professionalism and ethics
Concept of corporate social responsibility
- Introduction; Terminology (definitions); What the learner must know; Relationship betw. Social responsibility and the triple bottom line
- Triple bottom line; Nature of CSR and CSI
- Impact of CSR and CSI on businesses
- Exam type questions; Components of CSR; Focus areas of CSI; Practical examples of CSR
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Human Rights, Inclusivity and Environmental issues
Creative Thinking and problem solving
Management and Leadership | Bestuur en Leierskap
Business Operations
Human Resources function
Quality of performance
Industrial Analysis tools
- Industrial tools (Environments: Micro, Market, Macro)
- PESTLE Analysis
- Porter’s Five Forces - Consolidation Question
- SWOT Analysis
Exam preparation
- Paper 1: Business Environment; Business Operations | Vraestel 1: Besigheidsomgewings; Besigheidsbedrywighede
- Exam preparation 2021 | Eksamenvoorbereiding 2021
- Eksamenvoorbereiding 2018: Deel 1 | Deel 2
- Hoof onderwerpe | subonderwerpe | Struktuur van die vraestel | Beantwoording van
Team performance and conflict management | Spanprestasie en konflikbestuur
Macro Economics
- 2023: Business Cycles
Economics | Ekonomie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Economics | Graad 12 Ekonomie

Economics Telematics workbooks:

National income: Circular flow and national account aggregates
Micro Economics - Perfect markets
Imperfect Markets: Monopoly; Oligopoly; Monopolistic competition
Business Cycles (16 March 2022)
The Macro Economic Multiplier: 4 Sector Model (21 Feb 2022)
Foreign exchange markets (7 April 2022)
Foreign exchange markets (10 May 2023)

Nasionale inkomste (20 Feb 2020)
Nasionale inkomste (24 Feb 2021)
Onvolmaakte Mededinging: Monopolie; Oligopolie; Monopolistiese Mededinging
Sake Siklusse | Buitelandse Valutamark (31 Feb 2023)
Die Vermenigvuldige: 4 Sektor Model (22 Feb 2022)
Geography | Geografie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Geography | Graad 12 Geografie

Geography Telematics workbooks:

Geographical Information Systems | GIS
Geografiese Inligtingstels | GIS

Mapwork | Kaartwerk
- Map application and interpretation | Kaarttoepassing en interpretasie
- Calculations and mathematical skills | Berekeninge en wiskundige vaardighede

Exam Preparation | Eksamenvoorbereiding
Exam Preparation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Eksamenvoorbereiding en tegnieke: 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Paper 1 revision: Q1 Tropical Cyclones
Paper 2: Rural and Urban Settlements | Vraestel 2: Landelike en Stedelike Nedersettings
Discussion Paper 1 – Climate and Weather | Bespreking: Vraestel 1 – Klimaat en Weer
June Examination content discussion (13.05.2024) | Junie Eksamen Inhoud Bespreking (13.05.2024)

Economic Geography of SA | Ekonomiese Geografie van SA
Rural and urban settlements | Landelike en Stedelike Nedersettings
History | Geskiedenis
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 History | Graad 12 Geskiedenis
History Telematics workbooks:

The Cold War | Die Koue Oorlog
- The Cold War in Cuba and China
- The Cold War and Extension of the Cold War: Cuba and China
- Uitbreiding van die Koue Oorlog: China | 2018
- Extension of the Cold War: Cuba | 2018
- The Cold War in Cuba | 2017
- Brongebasseerde en skryf van opstel: Einde van die Koue Oorlog (oorsig)

Independent Africa
- Africa in the Cold War: Case Study Angola - What was the impact of the internal and external factors of Africa during the time?
- Africa in the Cold War: Angola 2017 | Afrika gedurende die Koue Oorlog: Angola 2017
The Cold War – Case Study: Vietnam

Civil Society protests from 1950s to 1970s
- Black Consciousness (source-based) | International resistance to Apartheid (essay)
- Civil rights Movement essay; The Road to Democracy essay paper 2
- Black Power Movement (BCM) and the Civil Rights Movement
- The philosophy of the BCM and The impact of the BCM on students
- Black Power Movement and the Civil Rights Movement – improving our source-based questions and essay writing

Civil Resistance 1970s – 1980s, South Africa
- Steve Biko, Black Consciousness and the Soweto uprising
- International response to Apartheid – improving essay writing skills |
- Civil Rights Movement & The Black Power Movement: 2020 | 2019
- Black Consciousness Movement/ International Response to Apartheid: 2019 | 2018
- Civil rights Movement/ The Road to Democracy | 2018
Burgerlike weerstand in Suid-Afrika 1970s – 1980s
- Steve Biko, Swartbewyssyn en die Soweto-opstand | 2017
- Internasionale Reaksie op Apartheid in die 1980's
- Swartbewussynsbeweging/ Internasionale reaksie op apartheid: 2019 | 2018
- Burgerregte Beweging & Die Swartmagbeweging: 2020
- Burgerregte Beweging/ Die koms van demokrasie in SA | 2019

The coming of democracy to SA and coming to terms with the past
- The road to democracy in South Africa and coming to terms with the past and the TRC
- The road to democracy and coming to terms with the past | 2017
- Die Waarheid- en Versoeningskommisie

Exam preparation
- Exam prep: essay and paragraph work
- Exam preparation P1 and 2 2021 | Eksamenvoorbereiding V1 en V2 2021
- Exam preparation 2017
- Paper 1 2021 content | Vraestel 1 2021 inhoud
- Paper 2 2021 content | Vraestel 2 2021 inhoud
- Paper 2 Exam preparation: Essay writing: The Challenge of Black consciousness to the apartheid state | Source-based question: The crisis of Apartheid in the 1980s: Internal resistance
- Eksamenvoorbereiding: Brongebaseer en Opstel vaardighede | Opstel: Burgerlike Weerstand in Suid-Afrika 1970 – 1990
- Revision Paper 1: Source-based: The Origins of War | The Civil Rights Movement and Essay writing: The Vietnam War | The Black Power Movement
- Vraestel 1: Brongebasseer: Die Oorsprong van die Koue Oorlog | Die Burgerregtebeweging en Opstelskryf: Die Viëtnam-oorlog | Die Swartmagbeweging
- Paper 1 Topics Revision | Vraestel 1 Inhoud Hersiening
- Paper 2 Exam Preparation (6 May 2024) | Vraestel 2 Eksamen Voorbereiding (7 Mei 2024)
Life Sciences | Lewenswetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Life Sciences | Graad 12 Lewenswetenskappe

Life Sciences Telematics workbooks:

- Meiosis 1 - What happens
- Wat gebeur tydens Meiose 1 | Wat gebeur tydens Meiose 2
- How to distinguish between Meiosis 1 & 2
- Hoe onderskei ons tussen Meiose 1 en 2
- Meiosis - The Process | Meiose - Die Proses
- Meiosis | Meiose
- Chromosome (DNA & Protein) Single threaded chromosome (unreplicated) to double stranded (replicated)
- Chromosoom (DNA) | Enkeldraad na Dubbeldraad
- Autosomes vs Gonosomes
- Haploid & Diploid | Diploïed en Haploïed
DNA, mRNA and tRNA | Belangrike Inligting
DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis | DNA, RNA en Proteinsintesis
Transcription in nucleus | Transkripsie
Protein Synthesis | Proteïnsintese
Reliability | Wat is betroubaarheid
Hypothesis | Wat is ‘n hipotese
- Variables (Independent and Dependent)
- Onafhanklike en afhanklike veranderlikes
- Onafhanklike veranderlike
- Vaste veranderlike | Afhanklike veranderlike
Natural selection, punctuated equilibrium and speciation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Natuurlike seleksie, gepunte ewewig en spesiasie: Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3 | Deel 4
Senses and homeostasis: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Sintuie en homeostase: Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3 | Deel 4
Human reproduction | Menslike voorplanting
Human evolution | Menslike evolusie
Plant responses to the environment | Plante se reaksies op die omgewing
Genetics and Meiosis | Genetika en Meiose
Genetics (08/04/2024) | Genetika (09/04/2024)
The Nervous System | Die Senuweestelsel
Theories of Evolution and Speciation | Teoriee van Evolusie en Spesiasie
Human response to the environment | Menslike reaksie op die omgewing
- 2023: The Nervous System | Snuweestelsel
Homeostasis and Endocrine System | Homeostase en Endokriene Stelsel
Mathematic Literacy | Wiskundige Geletterdheid
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Mathematic Literacy | Graad 12 Wiskundige Geletterdheid

Mathematical Literacy Telematics workbooks:

Measurement | Meting
- 2020: Measurement | Meting
- 2023: Measurement: Area and Cost Calculation | Meeting: Oppervlakte en koste berekening
- 2023: Measurement: Volume and Cost Calculation | Meeting - Volume en Koste Berekening
Maps and Plans | Kaarte en Planne
Maps and Plans Scale | Kaarte en Planne Skaal

Finance | Finansies
Income; Expenditure; Profit | Loss | Inkomste; Uitgawes; Wins | Verlies
Income Tax | Inkomstebelasting
Tariffs: 2020

Paper 2: Models and Packaging | Vraestel 2: Modelle en Verpakking
Mathematics | Wiskunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Mathematics | Graad 12 Wiskunde
Mathematics Telematics workbooks:?
2015: English
2014: English
- Introduction
- Trig Equations (Determine the General Solution) Example 1 | Example 2
- Additional Questions 1a | Workbook page 13
- Question 1.2.1 | Workbook page 8
- Example Questions 2a & b | Workbook page 6
- Double & compound angles | Workbook page 12
- Trigonometry revision: Part 1 | Part 2
- Trigonometry (17 April 2024) | Trigonometrie (18 April 2024)
- Euclidean geometry; Theorem 1 Proportionality
- Corollaries for Theorem 1; Converse of Theorem 1; Theorem 2 - Mid-point Theorem; Converse of Mid-point Theorem; Theorem 3 Similarity | Workbook page 16 | page 17
- Similarity Theorem; Converse of Similarity Theorem | Workbook page 21
- Converse of Similarity Theorem | Workbook page 17
- Proportionality Theorem; Similarity Theorem; The Mid-Point Theorem
Euclidian Geometry
Geometry Theorem | Meetkunde Stellings
- The Remainder Theorem; Factorising Cubic Polynomials
- Cubic Functions: The First Derivative Test; The Second Derivative | Workbook page 25
- Calculus graphs
- Calculus and Cubic Functions
Sequences and Series
Functions and Graphs
Financial Maths
- 2022: Financial Maths | Finansiële Wiskunde
- 2023: Financial Maths
Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Physical Sciences | Graad 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe
Physical Sciences Telematics workbooks:
2020: English
Activity 1.3 Workbook page 7
- Question 1.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the 5 kg block
- Questions 1.2 - 1.4
- Questions 1.5
Normal Force
- Normal Force
- Forces: Main idea study tip
- 3 skills
- Lesson 1 Normal Force and Motion of Connected Bodies
- Normal force 2019 | Normale krag 2019
- Connected bodies 2020 | Gekoppelde liggame 2020
- Newton’s 2nd law of motion | Motion of connected bodies | Physical property relationships | 2018
- Beweging van gekoppelde liggame | Die verwantskap van fisiese eienskappe | 2018
Electrical Circuits & Internal resistance 2021 | Elektriese stroombane en Interne weerstand 2021
Organic Reactions 2021 | Organiese Reaksies 2021
Organic Molecules: 2024 | 2021
Oraniese Molekule: 2024 | 2021
Organic chemistry 2020 | Organiese chemie 2020
Chemical equilibrium 2019 | Chemiese ewewig 2019
Volume-Volume calculations 2019 | Volume-Volume berekeninge 2019
Photo-electric effect 2019 | Foto-elektriese effek 2019
Simultaneous Equations in Physics 2019 | Gelyktydige Vergelykings in Fisika 2019
Electrochemical Cells 2020 | Elektrochemiese selle 2020
Law of Universal Gravitation | 2018
Netto of resulterende krag | Omgekeerde eweredigheid | 2018
Momentum | Momentum
Acids and Bases | Sure en Basisse
Technical Mathematics | Tegniese Wiskunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Les 1 Integrasie Reël 1
Les 2 Integrasie Reël 2
Les 3 Bepaalde integraal
Les 4 Die area tussen die kromme en die x-as
Les 5 Eksamenvoorbereiding
Technical Sciences | Tegniese Wetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Technical Sciences
Lesson 1 Mechanics Newton’s First Law of Motion
Lesson 2 Hydraulics
Lesson 3 Electrochemical cells
Lesson 4 Electronic properties of matter
Lesson 5 Organic Chemistry
Tegnisese Wetenskappe
Les 1 Verskillende pyle
Les 2 Hidroulika
Les 3 Elektroniese eienskappe van materie
Les 4 Elektrochemiese selle
Les 5 Koolstof en sy verbindings