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Department of Education

Grade 12 Telematics Videos

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (EAT)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 12 Afrikaans EAT


Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Telematiese werkboeke: 2023

Kortverhale | November 2023
Gedigte | November 2023



Kort transaksionele tekste




Dagboekinskrywing en Poskaart

Rigtingaanwysings en Instruksies

Eksamenonderwerpe en Praktiese Wenke

Kort transaksionele tekste | tipes

Vraestel 3

Die opstel

English First Additional Language (FAL)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 English FAL


Mind the Gap study guides: My Children! My Africa!

English First Additional Language Telematics workbooks: 2023




My Children, My Africa Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

My Children! My Africa! | Act 1 | Act 2

My Children! My Africa! - Short Stories

Short Stories | November 2023

Forbidden Love and Poetry: The Lake Isle of Innesfree

Sonnet 73 and Short story: Class Act


Poetry | November 2023

Sonnet 73 and Short story: Class Act


Visual Literacy:

Advertisements and Cartoons




Paper 1


Teacher PD English FAL - Paper 1

Question 1: Comprehension & Recommendations

Question 2: Summary & Recommendations

Question 3: Advertisement & Recommendations

Question 4: Cartoon & Recommendations

Question 5: Editing & Recommendations

Teacher PD English FAL - Paper 2

Understand questions regarding the following

  1. Theme
  2. Opinion (open-ended questions)
  3. Characterisation
  4. Tone
  5. Irony

Knowledge of the text and general tips 1 - 7 | 8 - 11

Comprehension and Summary Skills

Paper 2

Drama - My Children! My Africa!; Paper 3: Essay writing

Accounting | Rekeningkunde

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Accounting | Graad 12 Rekeningkunde


Accounting Telematics workbooks:

VAT concepts and calculations



Income Statement


Calculating the average share price: Part 1 | Part 2

Retained Income Note


Balance Sheet

State TWO other major decisions (exceeding R400 000) and quote the figures - Loans

Prepare a note for cash generated from operations


Cash flow statement

Debt Equity

Loans: Quote TWO relevant financial indicators and figures to support your opinion

Financial Statements and Notes: English | Afrikaans

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements of Companies: English | Afrikaans

Inventories: English | Afrikaans


Companies - Income Statement
Transactions unique to companies (brief revision):

  • Issue and buy-back of shares
  • Provisional tax payment and final income tax assessment
  • Interim and final dividends
  • Preparation of Income Statement




Companies - Cash Flow Statement


Companies Ledger

Exam Preperation

Business Studies | Besigheidstudies

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade12 Business Studies | Graad 12 Besigheidstudies

Business Studies Telematics workbooks:

Business Studies: Exam preparation:

2019 | Edited | 2018 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Business Environments

Impact of recent legislation on business
Developing Strategies

Business Ventures

Investment Securities
Investments | Beleggings
Presentation of information and data response

Business Roles

Professionalism and ethics
Concept of corporate social responsibility
Human Rights, Inclusivity and Environmental issues
Creative Thinking and problem solving

Management and Leadership | Bestuur en Leierskap

Business Operations

Human Resources function
Quality of performance

Industrial Analysis tools

Exam preparation

Team performance and conflict management | Spanprestasie en konflikbestuur

Macro Economics

Presentation & Data Response | Aanbieding & Data Respons

Forms of ownership | Ondernemingsvorme

History | Geskiedenis

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 History | Graad 12 Geskiedenis

History Telematics workbooks:

2024: English | Afrikaans

2023: English | Afrikaans

2020: English | Afrikaans

2019: English | Afrikaans

2016: English | Afrikaans

2015: English | Afrikaans


The Cold War | Die Koue Oorlog


Independent Africa

The Cold War – Case Study: Vietnam


Civil Society protests from 1950s to 1970s


Civil Resistance 1970s – 1980s, South Africa

Burgerlike weerstand in Suid-Afrika 1970s – 1980s


The coming of democracy to SA and coming to terms with the past


Exam preparation

Life Sciences | Lewenswetenskappe

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Life Sciences | Graad 12 Lewenswetenskappe


Life Sciences Telematics workbooks:

2015: English | Afrikaans

2014: English | Afrikaans


Telophase 1

Anaphase 1 | Anafase 1





Prophase 1 | Profase 1

Metaphase 1 | Metafase 1



DNA, mRNA and tRNA | Belangrike Inligting

DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis | DNA, RNA en Proteinsintesis



Transcription in nucleus | Transkripsie

Translation at Ribosome

Protein Synthesis | Proteïnsintese

Reliability | Wat is betroubaarheid

Hypothesis | Wat is ‘n hipotese



Validity | Wat is geldigheid


Natural selection, punctuated equilibrium and speciation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Natuurlike seleksie, gepunte ewewig en spesiasie: Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3 | Deel 4

Senses and homeostasis: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Sintuie en homeostase: Deel 1 | Deel 2 | Deel 3 | Deel 4

Human reproduction | Menslike voorplanting

Human evolution | Menslike evolusie

Plant responses to the environment | Plante se reaksies op die omgewing

Genetics and Meiosis | Genetika en Meiose

Genetics (08/04/2024) | Genetika (09/04/2024)

The Nervous System | Die Senuweestelsel

Theories of Evolution and Speciation | Teoriee van Evolusie en Spesiasie


Human response to the environment | Menslike reaksie op die omgewing


Homeostasis and Endocrine System | Homeostase en Endokriene Stelsel


Eye and Ear | Oog en oor

Plant hormones | Planthormone

Mathematics | Wiskunde

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Mathematics | Graad 12 Wiskunde

Mathematics Telematics workbooks:?

Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 12 Physical Sciences | Graad 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe

Physical Sciences Telematics workbooks:

2021: English | Afrikaans

2020: English

2019: English | Afrikaans

2018: English | Afrikaans

2016: English | Afrikaans

2015: English | Afrikaans

Activity 1.3 Workbook page 7

Normal Force


Electrical Circuits & Internal resistance 2021 | Elektriese stroombane en Interne weerstand 2021

Organic Reactions 2021 | Organiese Reaksies 2021

Organic Molecules: 2024 | 2021

Oraniese Molekule: 2024 | 2021

Organic chemistry 2020 | Organiese chemie 2020

Chemical equilibrium 2019 | Chemiese ewewig 2019

Volume-Volume calculations 2019 | Volume-Volume berekeninge 2019

Photo-electric effect 2019 | Foto-elektriese effek 2019

Simultaneous Equations in Physics 2019 | Gelyktydige Vergelykings in Fisika 2019

Electrochemical Cells 2020 | Elektrochemiese selle 2020

Law of Universal Gravitation | 2018

Netto of resulterende krag | Omgekeerde eweredigheid | 2018

Momentum | Momentum

Acids and Bases | Sure en Basisse

Gr 12 Physical Sciences - Acids and Bases

Doppler Effect | Doppler Effek