Grade 11 Telematics Videos
Afrikaans Huistaal (HT)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 11 Afrikaans HT

Taalstrukture Sinsleer: 2021 | 2020
Taalstrukture en konvensies | Woordsoorte
Formaat van Vraestel 1 | Soorte Werkwoorde | Die Voornaamwoord
Die Voornaamwoord | Bronmateriaal - Advertensie en Strokiesprent
English Home Language (HL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 English HL

English Home Language Telematics workbooks: 2023

English First Additional Language (FAL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 English FAL

English First Additional Language Telematics workbooks: 2023

Short Stories: Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlope
Poetry: The Call (Gabeba Baderoon) | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge (William Wordsworth)
Language Revision | Paper 1 – Comprehension, Summary, Advertisement, Cartoon, Language
Accounting | Rekeningkunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Accounting | Graad 11 Rekeningkunde

Accounting Workbooks:
Reconciliations | Rekonsiliasies
Bank and Creditors | Bank en Krediteure

Companies | Maatskappye
Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statement | Interpretasie en ontleding van finansiële state
Partnerships | Vennootskappe:
- Income Statement
- Financial statements & analysis | Finansiële state & ontleding
- Final accounts and adjustments | Finale rekeninge met terugskrywings
- Ledger, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Financial Statements
- Partnerships: Financial Statements: 2019 | 2017
- Vennootskappe Finansiële State: 2019 | Mei 2017 | Maart 2017

Concepts and calculations | Konsepte en berekeninge

Manufacturing | Vervaardiging
Cost Accounting Concepts | Kosteberekeninge

Budgeting | Begroting

Fixed Assets | Vaste Bates
Calculations and General Ledger Asset disposal: The sale of an asset
Movement and Management of Fixed Assets: 2021 | 2020
Beweging en Bestuur van Vaste Bates: 2021
Business Studies | Besigheidstudies
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Business Studies | Graad 11 Besigheidstudies

Business Studies Workbooks:
Eksamenvoorbereiding: 2021 | 2018

Professionalism and Ethics | Professionalisme en Etiek
Team dynamics and conflict management | Spandinamika en konflikbestuur

Business environments
Impact of Socio-economic Issues | Kontemporêre Sosio-ekonomiese Kwessies

Business Ventures
Presentation of Business information | Presentasie van Besigheidsinligting

Business Roles
Team dynamics and conflict management | Spandinakika en konflikbestuur

Business Operations
Production function: 2019 | 2017
Produksiefunksie: 2019 | 2017
Economics | Ekonomie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Economics | Graad 11 Ekonomie

Economics Workbooks:
Cost and Revenue Analysis | Koste en Inkomste Ontleding
National Income | Nasionale Inkomste
Quantitative elements | The GDP
Ekonomiese Kringloop en Nasionale Inkomste
Markets Price Theory | Markte Prysteorie
National Account Aggregates
National Account Aggregates: 2023 | 2022
Geography | Geografie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Geography | Graad 11 Geografie
Geography Workbooks:
Mapwork | GIS
Map Calculations and Techniques | Kaartbewerking en Tegnieke
Map Application and Interpretation | Kaarttoepassing en interpretasie
The Atmosphere: Global Air Circulation | Die Atmosfeer: Globale Lugsirkulasie
Development Geography | Ontwikkelingsgeografie
Pressure bells and map skills | Drukgordels en kaartvaardighede
History | Geskiedenis
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 History | Graad 11 Geskiedenis
History Workbooks:
Nationalism | Nasionalisme
Afrikaner & African Nationalism | Afrikaner en African Nasionalisme
Exam Preparation: Nationalism | Eksamenvoorbereiding: Nasionalisme
Apartheid: South Africa 1940 – 1960 | Suid-Afrika 1940 – 1960
Communism in Russia | Kommunisme in Rusland
Examination preparation
Source based questions | Brongebasseerde vrae
Brongebaseerde vraag; Opstelvraag
Life Sciences | Lewenswetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Life Sciences | Graad 11 Lewenswetenskappe
Life Sciences Telematics workbooks:
Photosynthesis: 2023
Cellular Respiration: 2023
Gaseous Exchange | Gaswisseling
Human Impact on the Environment: 2018 | 2017
Menslike Impak op die Omgewing: 2018 | 2017
Hypothesis Testing the Scientific Method | Hipotese Toetsing van die Wetenskaplike Metode
Mathematical Literacy | Wiskundige Geletterdheid
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Mathematical Literacy | Graad 11 Wiskundige Geletterdheid
Mathematical Literacy Workbooks:
Finances | Finansies
Tariff Systems | Tariefstelsels
Cost price | Selling price | Profit | Break even analysis
Kosprys | Verkoopprys | Wins | Gelykbreekpunt in die besigheid
Financial Documents | Finansiele Dokumente
Maps and Plans/Scale | Kaarte en Planne/Skaal
Exam Preparation:
Mathematics | Wiskunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Mathematics | Graad 11 Wiskunde
Mathematics Workbooks:
Quadratic | Kwadratiese
Number patterns | Getalpatrone
Circle | Sirkel
Geometry Theorems | Meetkunde Stellings
Trigonometry | Trigonometrie
Sine rule; Cosine rule; Area rule
Oplos van Driehoeke: Sinusreël; Cosinusreël; Oppervlaktereël
Sketches; Reduction formulas; Identity
Functions | Funksies
Line graph; Parabola; Exponential; Hyperbola | Lyngrafiek; Parabool; Eksponensieël; Hiperbool
Reguitlyn grafiek; Parabool; Eksponensiaal; Hiperbool
Financial Mathematics; Depreciation; Multiple period interest rates; timelines
Revision Analytical Geometry | Hersiening Analytiese Meetkunde
Euclidean Geometry | Euklidiese Meetkunde
Gr 11 & 12 Wiskunde - Euklidiese Meetkunde
Exponents and Surds Laws | Exponente en Wortelvorme reëls
Examination Prep Paper 1 | Eksamen voorbereiding V1
Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Physical Sciences | Graad 11 Fisiese Wetenskappe
Physical Sciences Workbooks:
Redox Reactions | Redoksreaksies
The Mol | Die Mol
Application of the Mol: 2019
Toepassing van die Mol: 2019 | 2018
Calculate the concentration | moles
Newton’s laws | Newton se wette
Elektromagnetisme: 2022