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Department of Education

Grade 11 Telematics Videos

English Home Language (HL)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 English HL


English Home Language Telematics workbooks: 2023


Literature Focus - Poetry and the Literary Essay

Language Focus - Paper 1

English First Additional Language (FAL)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 English FAL


English First Additional Language Telematics workbooks: 2023


Visual Literacy

Short Stories: Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlope

Poetry: The Call (Gabeba Baderoon) | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge (William Wordsworth)

Language Revision | Paper 1 – Comprehension, Summary, Advertisement, Cartoon, Language

Accounting | Rekeningkunde

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Accounting | Graad 11 Rekeningkunde


Accounting Workbooks:

Reconciliations | Rekonsiliasies

Bank and Creditors | Bank en Krediteure

Companies | Maatskappye

Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statement | Interpretasie en ontleding van finansiële state

The Balance Sheet

Partnerships | Vennootskappe:


Concepts and calculations | Konsepte en berekeninge

Manufacturing | Vervaardiging

Cost Accounting Concepts | Kosteberekeninge

Budgeting | Begroting

Budgeting | Begrotings

Cash budgets

Fixed Assets | Vaste Bates

Calculations and General Ledger Asset disposal: The sale of an asset

Fixed Assets Note 2023

Movement and Management of Fixed Assets: 2021 | 2020

Beweging en Bestuur van Vaste Bates: 2021

Asset Disposal | Bate verkope

Vaste Bates | Vaste Bates nota

Business Studies | Besigheidstudies

Economics | Ekonomie

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Economics | Graad 11 Ekonomie


Economics Workbooks:



Cost and Revenue Analysis | Koste en Inkomste Ontleding

National Income | Nasionale Inkomste

Quantitative elements | The GDP

Ekonomiese Kringloop en Nasionale Inkomste

Markets Price Theory | Markte Prysteorie


National Account Aggregates

National Account Aggregates: 2023 | 2022

Nasionale Rekeninge Groottotale

Income | Inkomste

Life Sciences | Lewenswetenskappe

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Life Sciences | Graad 11 Lewenswetenskappe


Life Sciences Telematics workbooks:


Photosynthesis: 2023

Cellular Respiration: 2023

Gaseous Exchange | Gaswisseling

Homeostasis: 2018 | 2017

Homeostase: 2018 | 2017

Human Impact on the Environment: 2018 | 2017

Menslike Impak op die Omgewing: 2018 | 2017

Hypothesis Testing the Scientific Method | Hipotese Toetsing van die Wetenskaplike Metode

Excretory system: The kidneys

Ekskresie: Die niere

Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 11 Physical Sciences | Graad 11 Fisiese Wetenskappe


Physical Sciences Workbooks:

2022: Afrikaans

Redox Reactions | Redoksreaksies

Acids and Bases


Electrostatics: 2020 | 2018

Elektrostatika: 2020 | 2018


The Mol | Die Mol

Application of the Mol: 2019

Toepassing van die Mol: 2019 | 2018

The Mol – Amount of Substance

Molar Gas Volume

Calculate the concentration | moles

Die Mol


Forces and free body diagrams

Kragte & vrye liggaamdiagram

Newton’s laws | Newton se wette

Stoichiometry | Stoigeometrie

Electromagnetism: 20232022

Elektromagnetisme: 2022