Grade 10 Telematics Videos
Afrikaans Huistaal (HT)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 10 Afrikaans HT

Afrikaans Huistaal Telematiese werkboeke: 2023

Taalstrukture en -konvensies
Visuele Begrip: Spotprente | Strokiesprent | Advertensie
English Home Language (HL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 English HL

English HL Workbooks: 2022

Literature: Unseen Poetry (2020) | Unseen Poetry (2022)
English First Additional Language (FAL)
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 English FAL

English FAL Workbooks: 2022

Visual Literacy: Advertising
Paper 1: Summary | Advert & Cartoon | Editing 2020
Accounting | Rekeningkunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Accounting | Graad 10 Rekeningkunde

VAT Concepts and Calculations | BTW Teorie en Berekeninge
2022: Credit transactions | Krediettransaksies
2020: Credit Transactions | Krediettranskaksies
2022: Cash Transactions | Kontanttransaksies
2020: Cash Transactions | Kontanttransaksies
AOL: Assets | Owners’ Equity | Liabilities
Rekeningkundige Konsepte | Siklus | Vergelyking
Sole Trader:
Financial Statements | Finansiële state
Financial Statements | Income Statement
Ontleding en Vertolking van die Finansiële Staat
Consolidation: Cash & credit journals | General ledger | Trial balance
Business Studies | Besigheidstudies
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Business Studies | Graad 10 Besigheidstudies

Business Studies Workbooks:
Business Roles | Besigheidsrolle
2022: Relationships and team performance | Verhoudings en spanprestasies
2017: Relationship & Team Performance | Leer Verhoudings en Spanprestasie
Self-Management | Self Bestuur

Macro Environment | Makro Omgewing
Micro and Market Environment | Mikro en Mark omgewing
Forms of Ownership | Ondernemingsvorme
Exam preparation 2021
Eksamenvoorbereiding: 2021
Economics | Ekonomie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Economics | Graad 10 Ekonomie

Economics Workbooks:
Circular Flow | Ekonomiese Kringloop
Circular Flow and Business Cycles | Ekonomiese Kringloop en Sakesiklusse
Micro Economics: Market forces and PPC | Mikro Ekonomie: Markkragte en PMK
Geography | Geografie
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Geography | Graad 10 Geografie

Geography Workbooks:
Mapwork | Kaartwerk
Map Application and Interpretation | Kaarttoepassing en Interpretasie

Geomorphology | Geomorfologie
Continental Drift and Plate Techtonics; Faulting
Kontinentdrywing en Plaat tektoniek

Population Geography | Bevolkings Geografie
The Atmosphere: Layers; Factors influencing temperature; Types of rainfall; Synoptic weather maps | Die Atmosfeer: Lae; Faktore wat klimaat beïnvloed; Tipes reënval; Sinoptiese weerkaarte
History | Geskiedenis
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 History | Graad 10 Geskiedenis

History Workbooks:

Tranformation in Southern Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries | Transformasie in Suider-Afrika in die 18de en 19de eeue
Colonial Expansion after 1750; Essay writing | Koloniale Uitbreiding na 1750; opstelwerk
Songhai Empire; source-based; essay work | Songhair Koninkryk; brongebaseerde; opsteltipe werk
The South African War 1899-1902 Exam prep | Die Suid-Afrikaanse oorlog 1899-1902 Eksamenvoorbereiding

The French Revolution | Die Franse Rewolusie
The French Revolution: Essay writing techniques; source-based | Die Franse Rewolusie: opsteltipe vrae; brongebaseerde
How did the French Revolution lay the foundations for modern democracies?

Working with Sources | Werk met Bronne
2022: Examination preparation
Life Sciences | Lewenswetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Life Sciences | Graad 10 Lewenswetenskappe
Life Sciences Workbooks:
The Circulatory System | Die Bloedsomloopstelsel
Human Skeletal System | Die Skeletstelsel
Cells and Cell Division | Selle en Selverdeling
2022: History of Life on Earth | Geskiedenis van Lewe op Aarde
2018: History of Life on Earth | Geskiedenis van Lewe op Aarde
Hypothesis Testing: The Scientific Method | Hipotese Toetsing Die Wetenskaplike Metode
Chemistry of Life | Chemie van Lewe
Support and transport in plants | Ondersteuning en vervoer in plante
Mathematical Literacy | Wiskundige Geletterdheid
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Mathematical Literacy
Mathematical Literacy Workbooks:
Finance | Finansies
Tariff systems | Tariefstelsels
Banking, loans, Investments | Bankwese, lenings en beleggings
Measurement | Meting
Perimeter, area and volume | Omtrek, area en volume
Patterns, Relationships & Presentations | Patrone, Verwantskappe en Voorstellings
Mathematics | Wiskunde
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Mathematics | Graad 10 Wiskunde
Mathematics Workbooks:
Trigonometry: Basic definitions in a right-angled triangle on a Cartesian plane | Trigonometrie: Basiese definisies in ‘n reghoekige driehoek en die Cartesiese vlak
Trigonometry Functions | Trigonometrie Funksies
Exponents and factorising | Eksponente en Wortelvorme reëls
2022: Examination Prep P1 | Eksamen voorbereiding V1
2022: Exam Preparation: Trigonometry – Functions | Eksamenvoorbereiding: Trigonomie – Funksies
Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe
To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:
Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Physical Sciences | Graad 10 Fisiese Wetenskappe
Physical Sciences Workbooks:
Concentration | The Mole | Konsentrasie | Die Mol
The Mole; Amount of Substance | Die Mol; Stof hoeveelheid
The Mole; Calculations | Die Mol; Berekeninge