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Department of Education

Grade 10 Telematics Videos

Afrikaans Huistaal (HT)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematiese Skoleprojek YouTube-kanaal: Graad 10 Afrikaans HT



Afrikaans Huistaal Telematiese werkboeke: 2023



Taalstrukture en -konvensies

Klankleer en Woorsoorte

Semantiek en Morfologie

Soorte bysinne

Woordsoorte - Die Werkwoord

Visuele Begrip: Spotprente | Strokiesprent | Advertensie

Leesbegrip: Woordteks | Begripstoets



Transaksionele skryf

English Home Language (HL)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 English HL



English HL Workbooks: 2022



Literature: Unseen Poetry (2020) | Unseen Poetry (2022)

Visual Literacy: 2020 | 2019

Advertising and Cartoons

English First Additional Language (FAL)

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 English FAL



English FAL Workbooks: 2022



Visual Literacy: Advertising

Elements of a Short Story

Paper 1: Summary | Advert & Cartoon | Editing 2020

Comprehension and Reading Skills

Summary and Advertising

Business Studies | Besigheidstudies

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Business Studies | Graad 10 Besigheidstudies



Business Studies Workbooks:

Business Roles | Besigheidsrolle

2022: Relationships and team performance | Verhoudings en spanprestasies

2017: Relationship & Team Performance | Leer Verhoudings en Spanprestasie

Self-Management | Self Bestuur



Macro Environment | Makro Omgewing

Micro and Market Environment | Mikro en Mark omgewing

Forms of Ownership | Ondernemingsvorme

Exam preparation 2021

Eksamenvoorbereiding: 2021

Economics | Ekonomie

Mathematical Literacy | Wiskundige Geletterdheid

To view all subject YouTube videos use the links below:

Telematic Schools Project YouTube Channel: Grade 10 Mathematical Literacy


Mathematical Literacy Workbooks:



Finance | Finansies

Tariff systems | Tariefstelsels

Banking, loans, Investments | Bankwese, lenings en beleggings


Measurement | Meting

Perimeter, area and volume | Omtrek, area en volume


Patterns, Relationships & Presentations | Patrone, Verwantskappe en Voorstellings

Physical Sciences | Fisiese Wetenskappe