Directorate: Quality Assurance
Director: Quality Assurance (DQA)
PA: Laverne Lawrence
Tel: 021 467 9320
Fax: 021 467 9325
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
To monitor and evaluate the performance of education delivery at all levels and areas of the education system.
- Manage the development and application of IQMS systems and reporting.
- Manage the development and application of the M&E systems and reporting.
To manage the development and application of IQMS systems and reporting.
- Develop M&E Systems for the entire organisation.
- Manage and implement M&E systems at all levels of the WCED.
- Manage the M&E of strategies, projects and policies in the WCED.
- Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of the SDIP of the WCED, and the SDI plans of Directorates.
- Coordinate M&E systems and their reporting.
- Promote M&E alignment with the GWMES and PWMES, and collaborate with the structures managing these systems.
- Ensure that M&E systems are aligned with the planning systems of the WCED.
- Manage the implementation of the Systemic Evaluation (National assessment).
Monitoring & Evaluation
To manage the development and application of the M&E systems and reporting.
- Ensure that M&E Systems exist and are fully operational at all levels of the WCED.
- Coordinate M&E systems and their reporting.
- Promote M&E alignment with the GWMES and PWMES and collaborate with the structures managing these systems.
- Ensure that M&E systems are aligned with the Planning systems of the WCED.