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Department of Education

Directorate: Institutional Management

Director: Institutional Management
William Jantjies
PA: Avril Malgas
Tel: 021 467 2311
Fax: 021 467 2653
Address: Private Bag 9114, Cape Town 8000




To manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of institutional management and governance in respect of schools.

  • Manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of the institutional management and governance i.r.o. Public Ordinary Schools and Independent Schools (including homeschooling).
  • Manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of Finance, Administration and Governance (non-curriculum) in all learning sites.




To manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of the institutional management and governance i.r.o. Public Ordinary Schools and Independent Schools.




  • Develop institutional management and governance policy.
  • Develop systems, standards and practices for institutional management and governance.
  • Develop Provincial norms and standards for Public Ordinary and Independent Schools.
  • Ensure quality in institutional management and governance through qualitative and quantitative assessment.
  • Provide policy and guidelines for building capacity of GBs and RCLs.
  • Represent and liaise with GBs on relevant issues.
  • Provide policy and guidelines for institution enrichment and extra-mural programmes including sport, arts and culture programmes and activities.

Institution Management (Finance, Admin, Governance)



To manage the planning coordination and evaluation of Finance, Administration and Governance (non-curriculum) in all learning sites.




  • Develop policy and guidelines on IMG issues in respect of:
    • Finance
    • Administration (including HRM)
    • Governance
  • Provide policy and guidelines for capacity building in respect of GBs and RCLs in respect of:
    • Finance
    • Administration
    • Governance
  • Develop systems, standards and practices for IMG in respect of:
    • Finance
    • Administration
    • Governance