Directorate: Examinations Administration
Director: Examinations Administration
Lucia Bredenkamp
PA: Thobeka Majova
Tel: 021 467 2945
Address: 1 North Wharf Square, 2 Lower Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001 | Google Maps
- WCED Banking Details
- Examinations Information website of the Directorate: Examinations Administration
(Candidate Results, Exam Registration, past Question Papers and Exam Timetables) - How to apply for replacement copies of Certificates, Diplomas and Symbols
To manage the planning and administration of examinations and certification for National Senior Certificate and Senior Certificate.
- Administer examination and certification processes of examinations and certification for National Senior Certificate and Senior Certificate.
- Plan the system of National Senior Certificate and Senior Certificate examinations
- Provide provincial printing services.
Examination Registration and Certification & Secretarial Services
Division Examination Registration
Division Examination Certification and Walk-in-Centre Service
To administer the examination and certification processes.
- Manage and coordinate the examination registration process.
- Manage the examination certification process and the client services
Provincial Printing, Examination Distribution, Script Control and Marking Services & Support Services
Division Provincial Printing
Division Examination Distribution and Script Control
Division Marking Services
To provide a provincial printing, examination distribution, script control and marking services.
- Manage and organise the printing for departments of WCG, the technical processing and printing of question papers for WCED.
- Manage the distribution and script control processes within examinations.
- Manage and coordinate the marking processes within examinations