Directorate: Business Strategy and Stakeholder Management
Director: Business Strategy and Stakeholder Management
Warda Conrad
PA: Natasha Manuel
Tel: 021 467 2054/3
Fax: 021 461 2363
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
- Annual Performance Plans
- Annual Reports
- Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
- Citizens' Report
- Provincial Strategic Plan
- Service Charters and Service Access Booklets per language and per Service Point - WCED
To manage the Office of the Head of Education including organisational risk and security management.
- Coordinate intergovernmental and intra-institutional relations.
- Manage the affairs of the Western Cape Education Foundation and related donor funding initiatives.
- Manage organisational safety and security.
- Provide a secretariat and administrative support services to the office of Head of Education.