Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management and Teacher Development
Chief Director: Curriculum Development and Teacher Development
Juan Benjamin
PA: Naziema Samuels
Tel: 021 467 2055
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
- Curriculum Development: General Education and Training (GET) (DCG)
- Curriculum Development: Further Education and Training (FET) (DCF)
- Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute
- eLearning
- Education Library and Information Service (EDULIS)
- Educational support materials (Edumedia)
- Language Policy
- National Curriculum Statement Grades R–12 (or NCS) to be updated with the introduction of the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements Grades R-12 (CAPS) in 2012 - 2014.
To manage planning, development and specialised support processes pertaining to curriculum delivery.
- Manage the development and coordination of GET curriculum policy frameworks, learning areas, learning programmes and learning support.
- Manage the development and coordination of FET curriculum policy frameworks, subjects, learning programmes and learning support.
- Plan, manage and coordinate e-learning and education library services as curriculum delivery enablers.
- Manage the development, coordination and implementation of teacher professional development programmes to build the capacity and agency of the workforce of the WCED.