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Department of Education

Minister Maynier’s end of year message

10 December 2024

Statement by Minister David Maynier, Minister of Education Western Cape


Schools close on Wednesday, 11 December 2024, and we wish our teachers and learners a safe and peaceful holiday.

This has been a challenging year for the Western Cape Education Department and our schools, and we thank our teachers, principals, School Governing Bodies and officials for the leadership they have shown during this period.

Next year is likely to be even more challenging. We encourage staff and learners to get as much rest as they can, to return refreshed and ready for the 1st term in January!

Matric exams

Marking of the 2024 matric exams is currently underway, and we thank our officials for all their hard work in making the exams a success. 

The national results announcement will take place on Monday, 13 January 2025 in Gauteng.

Individual results for Western Cape candidates will be available at schools and on the WCED website from 10h00 on Tuesday, 14 January 2025.

With the exams completed, a number of learners will be attending formal matric rage events and smaller end-of-exams parties. It is understandable that our matrics would like to celebrate the end of their school career, but we urge them to do so responsibly and safely.

We look forward to celebrating with all our matrics when the results are released next year!

School safety

We are subsiding holiday security at 480 of our schools over the break, but we need the support of our communities to keep our schools safe while closed.

Please keep a close eye on your local school, and report any suspicious activity to the SAPS immediately.

Quick reporting can make all the difference in deterring would-be criminals, or apprehending perpetrators that have targeted our schools.

Media Enquiries:

Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier
Western Cape Ministry of Education