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Department of Economic Development and Tourism

Skills Development and Innovation

Graphic about design thinking

Our mandate

The Programme will facilitate the provisioning of Human Capital and Innovation skills to deliver on the economic Human Resources Development needs of the Western Cape. The Programme further will align and give support to the Provincial priorities of Jobs, Safety and Wellbeing of the citizens of the Province.

Person working on a laptop

Quick Links

Here are quick links for related information.

Group discussion in front of a white board with writing on it.

Skills Programmes & Projects

Skills Programmes and Projects consists of three categories namely BPO Skills development, Artisan Programme Development and Work and Skill development. 

Group of people networking.

Skills Incentives

Skill Incentives aims to attract and access funds to support the jobs and skills eco-system in the economic priority sectors of the Province.

hands holding

Provincial Skills & Partnerships

Provincial Skills & Partnerships is the coordination of skills development which facilitates a shift of the imbalance and mismatches between the current shortage of high-level skills required by a competitive global economy and large supply of low-level skills.