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Department of Economic Development and Tourism

Economic Sector Support

Current Initiatives


CBAM Awareness Webinar Series

Register for the webinar series.

ecep fund


Apply for funding through the Export Competitiveness Enhancement Programme.

Assistance with Funding

Tourism Growth Fund

Apply for funding through the Tourism Growth Fund.


Tourism Safety Tips

Safety tips when visiting Cape Town and the Western Cape.

About us

What is Economic Development?

Economic development is the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realised. It is more than a jobs program, it's an investment in growing the economy and enhancing the prosperity and quality of life for all residents.

Who are we?

The Economic Sector Support (ESS) Chief Directorate is within the branch Economic Operations in the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. The ESS Chief Directorate is responsible for boosting investments and exports as well as sector development in priority industries within the Western Cape.

Priority Focus Areas



Our goal is to position the Western Cape as a premier destination that offers high-quality experiences to visitors while fostering economic development and transformation within the sector.


Boosting Exports

Our unit supports various activities that will increase global competitiveness in relation to exports, directly impacting economic growth and job creation within the Western Cape.


Boosting Investment

The Western Cape is dedicated to driving economic growth by increasing foreign direct investment through exports, strategic investments, and tourism.


Port of Cape Town and Logistics

The Port of Cape Town has many land uses and functions, with the main activities relating to container terminal and ship repair activities.


Contact us

For more information, please e-mail us at

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