DEA&DP Strategic Planning Survey - News | DEA&DP

DEA&DP Strategic Planning Survey

21 June 2024

Dear Stakeholder,

The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) is conducting an opinion survey to inform our next Five-Year Strategic Planning session. You are an important stakeholder and therefore we would ask you to spend 10-15mins answering some questions specifically relating to the environmental work of the Department. Please note that you should focus responses specifically on this Department and should not include reference to any other organ or sphere of State. We kindly request that you respond to the survey focusing on the period 2020-2024.

DEA&DP further seeks your assistance in expanding the distribution of this survey to any interested party on your mailing list within your network. We aim to gather diverse perspectives and insights to enhance the comprehensiveness of our findings. Be assured that your responses will be treated with confidentiality and will be reported anonymously.

The closing date to complete the survey is Sunday, 28 July 2024 at 12h00.