Public Information: T | Western Cape Government

Public Information: T

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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We want to ensure the wellbeing of everyone, including older people. As part of our commitment to best serve and protect our senior citizens, we offer the following key services.

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A list of definitions to be read in connection with the determining of tariff structures and the calculation and raising of fees.
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This is a general guide dealing with the taxation of small businesses. It includes information on small business tax amnesty legislation.
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This is a guide to income tax and capital gains tax for the 2005/2006 financial year.
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This document briefly sets out the progress of the taxi recapitalisation programme from 1999 to July 2003.

This booklet was designed and compiled as part of the Nama Awareness Campaign of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Western Cape.

Smart classrooms are the future. They’re equipping teachers and learners to teach better and to make learning better.

Are you a teen and suspect that you might be pregnant? Not sure what to do next or where to go for help? Find out what services and information is available to you so that you can make the best decision for your future. 

Applying for a job can be stressful. You can find yourself caught between optimism about the jobs you've applied for and stress that you may not get a job at all.

There are, however a couple of things you can do to improve your chances of being employed.  We spoke to Maxeen Bremer, a recruitment specialist, about the 10 dos and don’ts you should remember when applying for a job.


Provincial Government Tenders are listed weekly in this National publication. You can also download tender bulletins from the national government website.

Provincial Government Tenders are listed weekly in this National publication. You can also download tender bulletins from the national government website.

This is not a comprehensive list. To find specific results of Departments' tenders, view contacts.

Prices received for tenders and quotations at the Department of Transport and Public Works are listed here.

Welcome to eTenderPublication

Welcome to the government of South Africa’s eTenderPublication portal.

This portal provides a single point of access to information on all tenders made by all public sector organisations at all spheres of government. This includes tenders of amongst others all National and Provincial Departments, Metros, District Municipalities, Local Municipalities, Municipal Entities, all Public Entities, State Owned Enterprises, Constitutional Bodies etc.

The Department of Human Settlements provides you with up to date and relevant information on tenders advertised, bids received, tenders awarded as well as useful supporting information.

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This pamphlet will help you understand what happens in theatre.

The Thuso Mentorship mentorship helps entrepreneurs develop the skills they need to run successful businesses. This is a brief guide to how it works and how to apply.

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This pamphlet outlines the services offered by the Thuso Mentorship Programme and explains how entrepreneurs can access these services.
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This brochure explains how the Thuso Mentorship Scheme works and how SMMEs can participate in the scheme.

The Thusong Programme is an integrated service initiated by the Department of Local Government to bring government information and services closer to where people live.

We’re working closely with the national and local government to ensure that all citizens have access to the services, facilities and information they need at every Thusong centre. 

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Reliable information and advice on what steps to take if your child has symptoms of diarrhoea. The causes of diarrhoea are spelt out clearly to help parents.

This document contains tips from procurement officers in the Provincial Government on how to improve your chances of successfully bidding for government tenders.

Avoid becoming a victim of crime

When protecting yourself from criminals, you can never be too careful or too prepared. Observing the below safety tips could help you from becoming a victim.

Unintentional poisoning is very common. We need to be aware of harmful and dangerous chemicals, food, plants and animals in our environment so that we are better prepared to take care of our families.

Water games and pool activities can be fun for children, but can also be dangerous when they're left unattended.  To keep your children safe in and near the water, follow these guidelines.

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This statement announces the start of a national mobilisation for education and training. It outlines the state of education in South Africa and the areas needing urgent attention. The statement introduces the Tirisano National Education Strategy and identifies nine education priorities.

There are many diseases associated with smoking that affects those who smoke and the people around them. Find out how proposals in the new draft Bill will affect smokers and businesses, especially those in the hospitality sector. You're invited to comment on the draft Bill before 9 August 2018.

The Western Cape Government is committed to provide all citizens the opportunity to improve their quality of life and the chance to realise their potential.
Even though many children are born into poverty every year, we believe it’s possible to break the cycle of poverty in one generation. But no government can make this happen on its own.  Every person, every family and every organisation has a role to play.
Watch our government in action and share the message with your friends, colleagues and neighbours. 

As part of the ongoing commemorations of the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s legacy , the Western Cape Government and the City of Cape Town unveiled a life-size bronze statue of Tata Madiba on Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at the City Hall in Cape Town.

Among the delegates were Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Premier of the Western Cape, Helen Zille, the Mayor of Cape Town, Patricia de Lille, Professor Njabulo Ndebele from the Nelson Mandela Foundation, and Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde.

Kelly Grace Prowse, South Africa's top matriculant in the Class of 2022, hails from Rustenberg Girls' High School in the Western Cape, has made the province proud by placing first in Mathematics, Quintile 5, and shining brightly as the top overall learner.

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This document considers the pros and cons of starting a tourism business and guides you through a number of questions that you will need to answer before deciding to start a new business.











27 September is World Tourism Day



Tourism Plenary Meetings


The Tourism Product Development Fund supports the development of new tourism products and experiences and/or major upgrading of existing tourism products and experiences to increase the Western Cape’s destination attractiveness to visitors.

 "We facilitate the implementation of an integrated tourism strategy that will lead to sustained and increased growth and job creation in the tourism industry."




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Tourist guides must sign the Tourist Guide Code of Conduct and Ethics as part of their official registration with the Department.
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The information leaflet attached has Safety Information for tourists, from travel tips to contact numbers in South Africa.
This report aims to provide strategic direction to the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (KBR).

The National Department of Human Settlements would like interested members of the public to add their inputs and suggestions to the draft White Paper on Human Settlements. The White Paper will be a fundamental policy document that carves the development path and subsequent implementation of Integrated Human Settlements in South Africa. It is important to note that this is an opportunity to influence national Human Settlements policy making and the opportunity to review such policy only arises every 10 years. All inputs can be sent directly to on or before 31 March 2016.

"We stimulate economic growth in targeted sectors through industry development, trade and investment promotion."




Please Note: Closing date for applications is 19 June 2015 at 16:00.


The Department of Transport and Public Works will be recruiting Traffic Students for the completion of a Traffic Diploma.

This is an opportunity to all those who want to become a “Traffic Officer”.

Education is the key to success. Find out what training programmes and jobs are available for women in the Western Cape.

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This pamphlet will serve as a guide, giving you all sorts of helpful information.

Whether you’re planning to fly overseas or drive to a neighbouring country, it’s important to plan ahead.

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This brochure is aimed at tourists who are also seeking business opportunities in the Cape.
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A health workers' guide to successfully controlling Tuberculosis by learning about the disease including, the basics of the SA National TB Control Programme, diagnosis, treatment, resistance, DOTS and managing TB and HIV.

Excited learners, parents and teachers braved the heat to attend the Western Cape National Senior Certificate Awards Ceremony at Leeuwenhof, the Premier’s official residence at the foot of Table Mountain, on 14 January.