Traffic Officer Training | Western Cape Government

Traffic Officer Training

(Western Cape Government)

K78 Training

Students learn how to set up a roadblock during the K78 training. They need to demonstrate that they can give instructions to the team and that the roadblock adhears to requirements.

K78 training

Students set up the K78 roadblock during the practical.


K78 training

Final layout of the K78 roadblock demonstration.


K78 Training

The facilitator briefs the students on the correct procedures when setting up a roadblock.

Tactical Training

Tactical Training assists the traffic officers in handling more dangerous scenarios.

Tactical Training

A student demonstrates how to apprehend a “suspect” during the tactical training.


Tactical Training

The student searches the "suspect".


Tactical Training

A student restrains the “suspect”.


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Contents: Gene Louw Traffic College Photos
The content on this page was last updated on 11 March 2021