Department of Health and Wellness - Public Information: H | Western Cape Government

Department of Health and Wellness - Public Information: H

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.

WoW! is a Healthy Lifestyles partnership initiative of the Western Cape Government and its valued partners. WoW! aims to enable people to make Healthy Lifestyle choices throughout our life course - from planning Pregnancy and Birth to Youth, Adult and Senior Years. Choices we make today about how we live (LIVE!), the types of food we eat and drink (EAT!), and how often we do physical activities (PLAY!), affect our future health. 

This is the newspaper ad and job bulletin advertising various vacancies in the Department of Health, Western Cape.

This section contains documents relating to the health research application process in the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness.

All research applications must be submitted on the National Health Research Database via the link

If you've had a bad experience at a public hospital, send a “Please Call Me” to 079 769 1207 and we'll call you back to resolve your complaint.

Everyone in South Africa is encouraged, from individuals to communities, businesses and government, to take personal and collective responsibility to stop new HIV infections, to give care and support to those with HIV, and to ensure access to treatment for people in need.

A burn is one of the most devastating injuries. It leaves in its wake both physical and mental anguish on a child.

Many burn injuries are accidental and are a common cause of unintentional injury – preventative care can reduce the likelihood of an unintended incident.

In February/March 2015, Western Cape Government Health together with the National Department of Health and the Department of Education, had professional teams travelling to schools across the Western Cape. Their aim was to vaccinate all girls in Grade 4, who were nine years and older and who attend a public or special school, against Human Papillomavirus (HPV).