Storm road closure updates - June 2024

car on wet road small.jpg

14 June 2024 - 9am

Highlight since our last report
A number of roads have been reopened, most notably Meiringspoort. This means all main transport routes are now open. Road users are reminded that the speed limit has been reduced in
Meiringspoort. Road users will be traveling through an active construction site and we ask that road users are patient and keep an eye out for our teams working on the road. The restrooms will not be available due to flood damage.

13 June 2024 - 13:30

DR1213, Kleiheuwel road (Arniston-Struisbaai link), and DR1216, Boskloof road are open for local access in the Overberg municipality.

12 June 2024 - 15:30

DR1689, Potgierspoort and DR 1690, Gai se middelpad in the Garden Route district remain closed. One lane is open on DR1772, Die Hel in Central Karoo.

12 June 2024 - 10:00

The MR 530, Berg River Station turnoff before the silos (Hopefield/Veldrif road) and the MR 546 Konaquas berg Lutzville remain closed.

11 June 2024 - 3:30 pm

Tips in times of high rainfall/floods

  • If you live in a low-lying area, you may be affected by sudden floods. Monitor the rising water levels and evacuate earlier rather than later to higher spot which may be safer
  • When driving on a road, avoid driving through flooded areas
  • Avoid crossing low-lying bridges, streams, rivers and causeways – never cross flooded roads or bridges
  • No matter how shallow, do not try to swim, walk or drive through fast flowing water
  • Monitor weather alerts in the media (TV and radio) - Only trust social media posts from reputable sources and be aware of fake news
  • Keep important documents in water-resistant containers
  • Ensure that your mobile phone is charged and close to you in case you need to make or receive emergency calls

View the full press release

11 June 2024 - 9:30 am

Highlight since the previous report
Water levels have subsided sufficiently along TR29/2 (R316) for the route from Bredasdorp to Arniston to be reopened.

10 June 2024 - 4 pm

The DR 1649, Paardebond (4x4) and DR 1650, Kamanassie in the Garden Route District Municipality are open for local access only. The DR2182, Algeria to Clanwilliam in the West Coast District Municipality remains closed.

10 June 2024 - 10 am

View the latest updates on Western Cape roads affected by the recent storm in June 2024. R316, TR29/2, Arniston road and R319, MR261, Struisbaai road remain closed.

9 June 2024 - 10 am

Safety notice for all road users

Please obey all road signs – they are there for very good reasons. If you are driving and come across flooded roads, please take great care. If the water is too deep for you to see the roadway, turn around and take another route. Where roads are underwater, the roadway may have been damaged or washed away. There may be obstacles under the water you cannot see. Water flow may be strong enough to wash your vehicle away. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe on the road.

8 June 2024 - 10 am

Where roads are underwater, the roadway may have been damaged or washed away. There may be obstacles under the water you cannot see. Water flow may be strong enough to wash your vehicle away. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe on the road.

7 June 2024 - 4:30 pm

The road linking Citrusdal to the N7 has now been fully reopened to two-way traffic. The Robertson Pass linking Oudtshoorn to Mossel Bay has been reopened. Other roads reopened include the Swartberg Pass as well as the road leading to the Calitzdorp Warm Water Springs.

7 June 2024 - 9 am

Highlights since the previous report

The road between Oudtshoorn and De Rust (N12, TR33/3) has been reopened to traffic. Currently the affected section has a temporary seal in place and road users are reminded of the reduced
speed limited at this section till the final seal is in place. The road linking Citrusdal to the N7 has also been reopened. Traffic is still throttled while the various
layers dry out.

6 June 2024 - 4 pm

The road between Oudtshoorn and the Cango Caves (R328, TR75/2) has been reopened. Good progress has been made on the road between Oudtshoorn and De Rust (N12, TR33/3) and they have already started work on the base course. The team remains cautiously optimistic that this route will also be reopened late on 7 June 2024.

6 June 2024 - 9 am

The team is confident that clearing of the road between Oudtshoorn and the Cango Caves (R328, TR75/2) should be completed by 7 June 2024. This is subject to no further rockfalls. Work is also progressing well on the road between Oudtshoorn and De Rust (N12, TR33/3). Teams are currently busy with inspections on the culvert and if the culvert did not suffer damage, then the team can start with backfilling which has the team cautiously optimistic that this route will also be reopened by 7 June 2024.

5 June 2024

Provincial Minister of Infrastructure Tertuis Simmers: updates on road closure status

Over the past few days, winter rains have fallen over parts of the Western Cape. Several roads had to be closed either due to overtopping or because they sustained damage.

Due to road closures, residents and visitors to the province may experience delays in the delivery of certain services. Provincial government employees may not be able to easily get to their places of employment, and this may potentially impact some government services. Our teams are working hard to ensure all sites are accessible and where roads have been significantly damaged to ensure alternative routes are available, with detours where necessary.

“I plead with all road users, to obey road signs – they are there to ensure your safety,” said Provincial Minister of Infrastructure Tertuis Simmers. “If you are driving and come across flooded roads, please take great care. If the water is too deep for you to see the roadway, do not risk using it. In some instances where roads are underwater, they may not be damaged, but there could be obstacles under the water you cannot see,” the Minister concluded.