Minister Mitchell supports Go George roll-out to Thembalethu

9 October 2022
Department of Transport and Public Works
Go George.jpg

Media Release by Daylin Mitchell Western Cape Minister of Mobility

I welcome the announcement made on Friday by George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, to roll out the Go George bus service to Thembalethu in November 2022.

The service to Thembalethu will double the current reach of the system that was launched in December 2014.

I am excited and grateful that we have eventually reached this point after years of trying to provide the scheduled and affordable bus service to the people of Thembalethu.

Several stakeholder teams such as the Uncedo Taxi Association, the George Community Forum, George Municipality and the Western Cape Government have been working diligently to address issues that stood in the way of expanding the bus service to this area. The people of Thembalethu deserve a quality public transport service and we will do everything in our power to make this work.

The Thembalethu network of routes will consist of 10 main routes departing from Thembalethu to the CBD and the rest of the town, connecting with existing routes, plus five community routes that will crisscross over Thembalethu, making it easy to travel within the area or to join one of the main routes.

I welcome and strongly support this roll-out that will improve mobility in the George area.

Media queries:          

Ntomboxolo Makoba-Somdaka
Spokesperson for Minister Daylin Mitchell
Cell: 082 953 0026