Minister Mitchell meets e-hailing app providers to discuss planned protest

10 November 2021
Department of Transport and Public Works

Media Release by Daylin Mitchell, Western Cape Minister of Transport and Public Works

I convened an urgent meeting with e-hailing app providers, Uber and Bolt, this morning to address a possible strike by their ‘partners’ and drivers. 

Threats of a planned strike has been doing the rounds on social media since Monday and rumours that disgruntled e-hailing drivers are planning to block the N2 highway in protest over a long list of grievances, including high commissions charged by the app providers, reduced fares that are imposed allegedly without proper consultation, and the general safety of drivers, who are targeted by criminals who extort money from them and hijack vehicles, amongst other serious concerns.

As a Minister responsible for the regulation of transport in the province, I met with the management of the two biggest e-hailing companies to examine the concerns raised by their partners and drivers and to hear from them how they are planning to address the issues raised.  I took this decision in the interest of protecting the commuters and motorists who are using our roads.

The representatives of the two companies informed me and senior officials from my department and the City of Cape Town that they will be communicating with their drivers and partners during the course of today to hear first-hand what their grievances are and to find workable solutions in the best interest of all parties, including their clients.   

In response to concerns raised by Uber and Bolt representatives with regards to the safety of their drivers and passengers in the face of extortion, hijacking and other crimes for which they are targeted, I made it very clear that, other than authorized Traffic of Police officers, no one has the right to ‘impound’ vehicles or to impose ‘fines’ or ‘release fees’.  Together with our colleagues in the Department of Community Safety, we have ensured that the SAPS treat these cases as such and we will continue to monitor the situation – understanding that the victims of such crimes are more often than not, reluctant or afraid to open criminal cases once their vehicles have been released or recovered.

Officials from our two departments (DTPW and SAPS) are building up a database of cases that have been reported to us – which we pass on to the SAPS to at least launch inquiries if criminal cases have not been opened. 

Our province, our economy and our poorest communities depend on public transport.  We cannot and will not allow anyone to hold public transport, our City and our province to ransom.  I trust that Uber and Bolt will find common ground with their partners and drivers, that any possible strike action will be averted, that roads and key points will not be blocked and that the safety of the public and road users will not be compromised.  

Media Queries:
Ntomboxolo Makoba-Somdaka
Spokesperson for Minister Daylin Mitchell
Cell: 082 953 0026