OMP_Aerial 10-02.jpg

The Oude Molen Precinct (OMP) is located within the bigger Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP)  Area. The property is well connected via Alexandra Road to the N2 and M5 to the south, and via Berkley Road and the Black River Parkway to the N1 on the north.

In addition, the Pinelands Station to the immediate east of the property ties this site directly into the metropolitan rail network.

It is seen as strategic property addressing spatial transformation due to these characteristics:

  • proximity to the City and other economic opportunities,
  • proximity and access to Pinelands rail station, and
  • potential to be a key gateway for the TRUP broader area.

The property is located to the north of The Park and Park Lane office complexes the Vincent Pallotti hospital.

It lies east of Alexandra Road and adjacent to the Pinelands railway station. The northern boundary is formed by Perseverance Road and Maitland Garden Village; and to the West of the site is a City of Cape Town property (remainder erf 26440) and the Black River.

Conceptual vision and key drivers for redevelopment:

The Western Cape Government (WCG) through its Department of Infrastructure (DOI) has appointed a multi-disciplinary team of Built Environment Professionals to conduct detailed specialist investigations and liaise with stakeholders and Interested and Affected Parties in the development of an inclusive vision for the redevelopment of this Precinct.

The Precinct character currently has a rural feel which is largely due to the sparse building footprints.

The property is currently zoned “Utility Zoning” (UT) in terms of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-law 2015: Development Management Scheme, which will be changed through statutory applications as informed by the conceptual vision and key drivers for redevelopment planning  which include a large scale, sustainable, residentially led mixed-use with cultural heritage features based on a live-work-play philosophy and transit-oriented development (“TOD”) principles and developed along eco-principles.

The vision for development will embrace eco-principles and whilst respecting the environmental and heritage elements, and the role that this Precinct plays within the larger contextual area.

Informed by preliminary engagement sessions in 2021 and with the inputs from the various groups the vision aspiration for the Department is as follows:

“A safe, walkable and sustainable eco-neighborhood, with compact mixed-use developments, integrating education, affordable housing, public facilities and open spaces, while providing equitable access to cultural heritage and natural reserves.”

Preliminary Public Participation Notifications and Information - 2021

Meet and Greet Flyer

The “Meet and Greet” flyer was distributed to the key identified interested and affected parties (I&AP) on the preliminary database via e-mail, knock-and-drop and post (where applicable) for those on the database without an email address.

The purpose of this flyer is to introduce the Project, conceptual redevelopment proposal, the project planning team and explain the upcoming statutory processes. We look forward to engaging with you in the future.

View the flyer

Pre-Planning Stage: Preliminary Stakeholder Engagements - 2021

Presentation shared at these sessions

Records of Meetings

Invitation to call for interested and affected parties to register - 2024

The Department of Infrastructure has published a Notice inviting all interested and affected parties to register or update their details on the existing database. This round of registration is necessitated by the time that has passed since the last engagements with the public.

This database will be used to send project related updates, notifications of public meetings and notices of statutory applications when documents become available for public review and comment.

You may send your name, email address, physical address, and the institution/organisation you represent to the email address on or before 01 April 2024.


Brief Project and Progress update

In May 2021 the Western Cape Government’s Department of Infrastructure (then Dept. of Transport and Public Works) convened various engagements with key interested and affected parties/groupings. The purpose of these sessions was to share information, a draft vision, objectives, and aspirations for this strategic land parcel; and to gather information and inputs from the public on their vision and aspirations and receive any comments to be considered when investigating and developing possible development proposals and related assessments. The notes of the discussions of the referenced sessions are available on the dedicated webpage as public record.
The recent Notice published in February 2024 inviting interested and affected parties to register and update their details on the project database was necessitated by the time that has passed since the last engagements with the public. The database will enable the Department and professional team to communicate the next steps for engagement opportunities and how to participate, at which time more project-related information will be shared, with notifications sent directly to the e-mail address in the database and published on the project webpage.

Professional team

The professional service team is assisting the Department as it proceeds with the remaining enablement workstreams. Updates on the processes going forward will be released periodically to the project database of registered I&APs as well as on the webpage.
The Department and Professional Team are looking forward to future engagements with all stakeholders including the interested and affected parties on this Project.
The professional team:

Professional services on the Team: Service Provider:
Lead / Urban and Town Planners Nigel Burls and Associates
Architect / Urban Design SVA International
Engineering GIBB
Environmental Doug Jeffrey Environmental Consultants
Heritage Cindy Postlethwayt
Land Surveying FJC Consulting
Landscape Architecture Planning Partners
Financial Expertise PepperGreen Consulting
Stakeholder Engagement Amanda Young CC - Independent Social & Stakeholder Engagement Team

Recently Asked Questions

In response to the recent published Notice inviting interested and affected parties (I&AP) to register and update their details on the project database, the project e-mail address received various comments, concerns, and questions from I&APs as well as media questions including a Cape Talk Radio interview. The Department of
Infrastructure (DoI) has noted these and wishes to respond by providing clarity and context.

How to participate

The Department and professional team will release notifications to the email addresses registered on the project database to alert interested and affected parties of documents for public comment, the relevant statutory process and how to participate to have their say, and the webpage will be updated regularly.

What happens next

The Project has been ongoing and the inputs from these engagement sessions have been considered. The database will enable the Department and professional team to communicate the next steps for engagement opportunities and how to participate. More project-related information will be shared with registered Interested and Affected Parties through the e-mail address in the database and published on the project webpage.

Additional correspondence

Updates and notices regarding future public engagements will be published on the webpage and registered interested and affected parties will also be notified.

For any enquiries we encourage the public to write to