Western Cape Provincial Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) convenes to advise on key safety challenges
On Wednesday, 19 March 2025, Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Anroux Marais, met with the Western Cape Provincial Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC). The committee advises and make recommendations on how to further improve the Western Cape Government’s crime-fighting and prevention policies and strategies.
The Committee includes the following individuals:
- Dr Jean Redpath as a representative from the legal fraternity;
- Dr Guy Lamb as a member of an academic institution with experience in the field of criminology;
- Mr John Lawson as a representative of the Business community;
- Mr Moses Benjamin De Vos as a representative of a non-governmental organisation involved in policing or related areas; and
- Mr Hilton Arendse as Acting Head of Department: Police Oversight and Community Safety (ex officio).
Key discussions during yesterday's meeting included how the Western Cape Government can facilitate better record-keeping and accountability over the sale of ammunition and a more focused approach to capacitating and monitoring municipal law enforcement.
Minister Marais said, “The PSAC adds great value to the Western Cape Government`s efforts in creating a safer society for the residents of our province. Having this “outside perspective” allows for the exchange of ideas between important stakeholders to ensure a smarter approach to safety, that remains rooted in data and evidence. The critical aim of our safety plan is to focus our energy and resources on areas hardest hit by crime so as to turn them into sites of prosperity, including them in our economic growth and job creation ambitions.”
Media Enquiries:
Kurt Nefdt, Acting MLO to Minister Anroux Marais
Cell: 084 285 1975
Email: Kurt.Nefdt@westerncape.gov.za