External Development Initiatives
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture is committed to transforming and increasing the potential employee pool of the department and the agricultural sector. By utilising skills development programmes, mentoring, financial assistance through bursaries and scholarships and opportunities to empower our youth in agriculture as a career of choice. Persons with disabilities, females, rural youth, previously disadvantaged and children of agri- workers are prioritised.
For more information: 021-808 5111 / EDI@westerncape.gov.za
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture offers valuable work experience and exposure for unemployed matriculants, undergraduates and graduates through an Internship Programme.
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture offers financial assistance to youth studying in the scarce and critical skills in agriculture. The scholarships offers previously disadvantaged high school learners with the potential to complete with their matric with mathematics and sciences in order to further their studies in agriculture.
The Young Professional Person’s Programme is a Western Cape Department of Agriculture’s Affirmative Action Programme for Previously Disadvantaged Youth (18-35 years)accepted by a recognised Higher Education Institution to complete their Honours,Masters or Doctorate in the scarce and critical skills in Agriculture.
APFYD PROJECT: Agricultural Partnership for Youth Development
This Project focuses on increasing the skills development, career opportunities and employability of rural youth and children of Agr- Workers through; financial assistance for further studies in the agricultural fields or to complete a matric qualification with mathematics and sciences; internships for unemployed matriculants without workplace experience.
First Working Experience: PAY Internship
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture appoints PAY Interns on a 12-month internship programme for valuable work exposure, meaningful agricultural experiences, career awareness and career pathing as well as preparing them for registration for further studies and career opportunities in agriculture.