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Department of Agriculture

Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute

Service ID:
Farming and Agriculture

The Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute was established in 1898 and was the first centre for agricultural training in Africa. In the Republic of South Africa, the Institute has secured an eminent track record in agriculture especially in the field of agricultural training.

Our Vision: The Advancement of the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute as an agricultural and educational centre of excellence to the benefit of the broader community.

Our Mission: To promote sound, integrated managerial and skills training in agriculture with advanced specialisation in area specific fields of excellence informed by industry and societal needs.

Read about the different careers in agriculture in our brochure.

For more information:  021-808 5451 | 

Courses on offer at the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute

At present, training programmes are offered at Higher Education and Training (HET) and Agricultural Skills Development (ASD) levels.

1. Higher Education and Training (HET): B.Agric Degree, Diploma in Agriculture, Equine Studies

Application enquiries related to the B.Agric, Diploma in Agriculture and Equine Studies programmes can be directed to the following officials:


2. Agricultural Skills Development (ASD)

Occupational Certificate Programmes

Applications for the Occupational Certificate Programmes opens on 01 April 2024 and closes on 30 June 2024 and should be submitted via the EATI Online Application System.

Click here for more information 

Occupational Certificate application enquiries can be directed to the following officials:

Please note that no late applications for the above-mentioned formal qualifications will be considered.

Short Courses

Applications for the Short Courses can be done throughout the year. Short Courses are offered on an ad hoc and demand basis and as soon as a minimum of 12 prospective students are on the list for a specific course, the students will be informed of the date, time and venue when that short course will be presented.

Short course enquiries can be directed to the following officials: