Dictionary: W | Western Cape Government

Dictionary: W

Definitions for government terms, listed alphabetically.
Wage determination - Regulations that set out what the wages are for a specific industry.
War Veterans Grant - A grant for elderly or disabled South Africans who fought in the Second World War or the Korean War.
Ward - An area or constituency that votes for a particular City Councillor to represent them on the Municipality.
Warrant - A legal document that gives the police permission to arrest someone or to search a premises. You can also get a warrant to seize property.
Welfare Agency - A Welfare Agency is a non-governmental organisation that has been given certain responsibilities and powers for looking after the welfare of people.
Western Cape (WC) - One of the nine provinces in South Africa. It incorporates the Southern and Western parts of the country.
Western Cape Education Department ( WCED) - Provincial Department responsible for education in the Western Cape.
White Paper - A policy document prepared by one of the government Departments.
Will - Legal document in which you set out how you would like your assets to be shared out after your death.
Witness - A person who gives evidence in court about something they saw or something they know.
Witness protection - Measures to ensure the safety of someone who is required to testify in court and who is afraid that they will be harmed as a result.
Work permit - Official document provided by Home Affairs to foreigners who wish to work in South Africa. It is illegal for non-citizens to work here without this permit.
Workplace HIV/Aids policy - Formal organisational guidelines on how to manage any issues relating to HIV/Aids in the workplace.

The policy can include guidelines on how to manage and support staff who are HIV positive, how to prevent HIV infection in the workplace and how to encourage voluntary testing and counseling.

World Bank - The name given to four international institutions which provide loans and other financial assistance to countries.The World Bank institutions are owned by countries that contribute to the International Monetary Fund.
World Bank - The name given to four international institutions which provide loans and other financial assistance to countries.The World Bank institutions are owned by countries that contribute to the International Monetary Fund.
World Health Organisation (WHO) - United Nations agency tasked with co-ordinating international health work to promote the highest possible level of health for all peoples.
World heritage sites - Natural and cultural sites that have historical significance. There is an international list of these sites which is managed by the Intergovernmental World Heritage Committee.

For example, Robben Island is a world heritage site.