Dictionary: L | Western Cape Government

Dictionary: L

Definitions for government terms, listed alphabetically.
Labour Court - Court where labour disputes are heard.
Labour tenants - People who work on a farm and are also permitted to live there.
Land Invasion - Where people illegaly occupy land in order to settle on it.
Language of learning and teaching (Lolt) - Language used in schools for learning; Previously called the medium of instruction.
Law Society - A regulatory body that controls the work of attorneys.
Lay counsellors - Trained volunteers who provide advice and support to members of their communities through counselling.
Legal Aid - A free legal service to people accused of crimes who can't afford a lawyer.
Legislation - Laws passed by parliament, also called Acts.
Legislature - Also called parliament, this branch of government consists of elected representatives (Members of Parliament or MP's) and is responsible for creating new laws and changing or scrapping old laws.
Library Business Corner - A section in a public library that provides information about starting and running a business.
Liquor licence - A licence that allows a business to legally sell liquor.
Litigation - Legal action.
Livestock - Animals raised on farms for profit. For example chickens, cows and pigs.
Local anaesthetic - Drug used to numb a specific area of the body so that you cannot feel pain.
Local Government - District and local municipalities that are established in accordance with the Constitution. The powers and functions of local government are set out in the Constitution.
Lockout - When an Employer prevents workers from entering the workplace in order to force them to come to an agreement